Expertise: project management, monitoring, evaluation
Expertise Group: Project Management/ Institutional Development
Consultant Source: International
TOR Keywords: project management, monitoring, evaluation
Objective and Purpose of the Assignment
The South Tarawa Water Supply Project (STWSP’s) main objective is to provide the entire population of
South Tarawa – capital island of Kiribati, with access to a reliable, safe and climate resilient water
supply. The project will construct two desalination plants, a solar PV and battery system, upgrade the
water network and connect all households to 24/7 water access. The project also provides WASH awareness
program to communities on South Tarawa. STWSP is cofinanced by Asian Development Bank (ADB), Green
Climate Fund (GCF), Global Environment Facility (GEF), World Bank (WB) And the Government of Kiribati.
The implementing agency (IA) for STWSP is the Government of Kiribati’s Ministry of Infrastructure and
Sustainable Energy (MISE) and Pubic Utilities Board (PUB) as the authorized water utility on South
A project management unit (PMU) was established within the implementing agency to manage and monitor the
project activities and provide reports to the Government of Kiribati, ADB and WB. The PMU is comprised
of the PMU Project Manager, Deputy Project Manager/Procurement Specialist, Project Accountant,
Safeguards Manager and Social Development & Gender Officer and Public Relations Officer The project
director (Director General of Engineering Services MISE) and the PMU will supervise and provide
counterpart support to the Project Implementation Assistance (PIA) Consultants.
The initial assignment advertised will be for 10 months’ inputs over a 1-year period, with the
possibility to extend subject to satisfactory performance.
Scope of Work
The Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist will assist STWSP PMU in updating a project performance and
monitoring system for both the government, ADB, and WB set of indicators for monitoring progress,
provide M&E reports on a quarterly basis and ensure adequacy of project monitoring in achieving project
targets and objectives. The M&E Specialist shall report to the Project Manager, STWSP PMU.
Detailed Tasks and/or Expected Output
Tasks and responsibilities of the Monitoring and Evaluation Specialist will include:
(i) In consultation with the key project stakeholders, prepare or update the project performance and
monitoring system or project evaluation framework (PEF). The PEF will be aligned with the STWSP design
and monitoring framework for both ADB and WB as presented in the Project Administration Manual (PAM) and
Results Framework for the Project Appraisal Document (PAD) respectively.
(ii) The PEF shall, at a minimum, include the following: a Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (MEF), an
implementation schedule (incorporating data collection timelines, methodologies, and associated costs),
and a risk matrix. The PEF should also identify and secure the endorsement of key stakeholders for the
selection of appropriate indicators, including gender-sensitive indicators, for inclusion in the MEF.
(iii) Support the PMU in preparation of the quarterly progress report and other reports required by the
GoK, ADB and WB that include reviews of progress towards achieving the STWSP target impact and outcomes
following the PEF and MEF including capture of indicator data.
(iv) Prepare semi-annual project monitoring and evaluation reports reporting on progress towards
achieving the project development objectives and identifying potential implementation risks and
recommend mitigation measures.
(v) Provide training and mentorship to the PMU, MISE and PUB local team and develop and conduct
workshops and knowledge-sharing sessions on M&E best practices and tools.
(vi) Collaborate with government agencies, development partners and communities to gather and analyze
data and for decision makings for the project.
Minimum Qualification Requirements
i) Master’s degree in management, economics, statistics, or other relevant qualification
ii) At least 10 years’ experience in design and implementation of project monitoring and evaluation
iii) Excellent management, data analysis and communication skills;
iv) Knowledge and experience with ADB and WB monitoring and evaluation requirements
Minimum General Experience: 10 Years
Minimum Specific Experience (relevant to assignment): 10 Years