Marine & Freshwater Internships


Italy 🇮🇹

AQUARIUS is launching an open call for applications for internships from early career scientists, technicians, PhD students, MSc students and post-docs working in marine and freshwater sciences.

Once the AQUARIUS Transnational Access projects are selected, the project leaders and the operators of the research infrastructures will be asked to confirm whether they have any capacity to accommodate an intern. In addition, opportunities will be sought for internships in projects organised by AQUARIUS partners outside the funded TA projects, where travel and subsistence costs will be supported (up to a maximum amount).

Interns will not conduct their own research but will have the opportunity to learn how international scientific teams work and how to utilize the research infrastructures available in AQUARIUS.

Please note that only the ship time and access to other RIs is financed by AQUARIUS. All other participants’ expenses, including travel and accommodation costs, will be partially reimbursed by the AQUARIUS project up to a specified limit.

AQUARIUS will maintain a database of all qualified, interested candidates and, as training opportunities become available, will draw up a shortlist by assessing suitability for the project on offer.

Applications are accepted from 1 February 2024 to 1 February 2027.

By completing and submitting the application form, you consent to AQUARIUS using the information provided to contact you in relation to upcoming relevant training opportunities and accept the AQUARIUS Privacy Policy on the handling of personal data.

For more information about the available AQUARIUS infrastructures, please visit Research Infrastructures Catalogue – AQUARIUS

The application form asks for the applicant’s specific training interests, including geographical areas and research/education topics. These are constantly in flux and will be considered on a case-by-case basis when shortlisting.

How to apply

Applicants should complete and submit the electronic application form, at the link below, along with a letter of recommendation from their supervisor. The letter of recommendation must be written on the institution’s letterhead and signed by the supervisor.

Please note that the application form includes sections on the applicant’s background and educational requirements, a CV and a fellowship proposal. In case of unstable internet connections, we recommend creating this text in an offline document and then copying it into the online form.

If the candidate is shortlisted, he/she may be invited to an informal interview by telephone/video conference.

Applications and letters of recommendation must be written in English and submitted or uploaded in pdf format. It is recommended to limit the descriptive part to about 100 to 150 words. Please use a font size of 10 pt or larger. Only applications that are complete in every respect will be considered for the Fellowship.

Review Process

Applications will be reviewed by representatives of AQUARIUS and the host institution. The selection committee will consider the following points when making its decision:

  1. Quality of the application;
  2. Curriculum vitae of the applicant;
  3. Letters of recommendation;
  4. Relevance – match between the research interest and the objectives of the internship.

Applications will only be considered if:

  1. They are written entirely in English;
  2. The applicant has a background in marine and freshwater sciences and/or is currently working in this field;
  3. Letters of recommendation specifically related to the on-board training opportunity.

Apply here from February 1st 2025

For more information about the AQUARIUS training programme, please contact Dr Andrea Caburlotto at acaburlotto[at]



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