This PhD position aims to analyse whether aquatic sediments may become an internal source for phosphorus and other contaminants under changing climatic conditions and to test readily available adsorptive materials for trapping these contaminants in the field.
You will perform lab experiments to determine phosphorus and pollutant remobilization from sediments under various environmental conditions. The binding capacity of different adsorptive materials will be determined via laboratory and field experiments.
You will develop temperature-dependent mobilization and adsorption models to identify conditions and materials with a high release/trapping capacity and deduce management strategies for the mitigation of water pollution in human-impacted catchments in the future.
The PhD position includes short visits and secondments to BEYOND partners (e.g. Institut Agro Agrocampus Ouest Rennes, France; Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, Sweden) for additional training and knowledge exchange.
The project will be supervised by Gabriele Weigelhofer (WasserCluster Lunz, Austria; BOKU University Vienna) and co-supervised by Magdalena Bieroza (Sveriges Lantbruksuniversitet, Sweden). Miriam Glendell (James Hutton Institute, UK) and Michael Rode (UFZ, Germany) will be the advisors for the PhD.
Working place: WasserCluster Lunz – Biological Station GmbH, 3293 Lunz am See, Austria; Home university: BOKU University Vienna
Extent of employment: 40 hours per week
Duration of employment: 3 years
Gross monthly salary: EUR 2675.- (paid 14 times per year, annual indexing 3%)
The gross monthly salary consists of a country-dependent living allowance, a mobility allowance, and, if applicable, a family allowance.