Local recruitment: Assistant Director, Social and Economic Partnerships

Murray–Darling Basin Authority

Canberra ACT, Australia 🇦🇺

Goondiwindi QLD, Australia 🇦🇺

Griffith NSW, Australia 🇦🇺

Mildura VIC, Australia 🇦🇺

Murray Bridge SA, Australia 🇦🇺

Wodonga VIC, Australia 🇦🇺


  • Temporary Opportunity at level / Acting Opportunity
  • $118,049 – $129,870 plus 15.4% Superannuation
  • Canberra, Goondiwindi, Griffith, Mildura, Murray Bridge, Wodonga or remote.

Temporary opportunity – open to APS Employees Only

Assistant Director, Social and Economic Partnership

The Position

The Assistant Director, Social and Economic Partnerships supports and leads social science analysis related to water management in the Basin. You will lead partnerships with diverse audiences including Executive, Peaks, First Nations peoples and regional communities and strong stakeholder engagement and relationship management skills will be key to success.
Your key responsibilities in this role are to:

  • Support and lead work investigating the social impacts of water reform on communities in the Murray Darling Basin
  • Represent the MDBA and engage with external stakeholders including Peaks, jurisdictions and communities on social and economic research and analysis
  • Develop new opportunities for social science
  • Apply social science to water policy development and statutory requirements of the MDBA
  • Ensure the MDBA’s science outputs are applied to support Basin Plan implementation and the Basin Plan Review in collaboration with MDBA Basin Plan policy and engagement teams
  • Synthesise diverse, complex, contentious and at times conflicting social and economic data and knowledge to contribute to Basin-scale water policy and planning
  • Apply social science techniques to a wide range of data to draw conclusions and insights on the social inter-dynamics within communities across the Basin and produce materials to build social licence with regional communities.
  • Contribute to team leadership in Strategic Science and Partnerships and manage APS6 staff
  • Prepare written material for internal and external audiences.

Tell me more

It is easy to apply for a job at the MDBA. Go to www.mdba.gov.au/careers and tell us what makes you the ideal candidate.

For more information regarding this opportunity contact Deranie Jacklon , 02 6279 0702, Deranie.Jackson@mdba.gov.au

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How to apply:




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