Eastern Nile basin country nationals: Intern – Eastern Nile Land Use and Land Cover Change (LULCC) and Hydrological Assessment 11th NCCR Internship Batch (28th ENTRO Internship Batch)

Nile Basin Initiative (NBI)

Addis Ababa, Ethiopia 🇪🇹

  • Center: Eastern Nile Technical Regional Office
  • Job Location: Addis Ababa – Ethiopia
  • Classification: Internship
  • Consultancy Category: Individual Consultancy
  • Application Deadline: January 31, 2025


Intern – Eastern Nile Land Use and Land Cover Change (LULCC) and Hydrological Assessment

11th NCCR Internship Batch (28th ENTRO Internship Batch)

1. Background

ENTRO Internship and Young Professionals Program: ENTRO has taken the initiative to establish the Internship and YPs program as part of its core activities and successfully implemented in the last 13 years. This program has proven immensely popular in fostering cooperation and allowing ENTRO to expand its professional network. The Internship Program has proven more effective in terms of building regional capacity in the Eastern Nile Basin and bringing a diversity of expertise and outreach opportunities to ENTRO and academia. Up to now 27 different batches of internship have been implemented through the program.

2. Objective

The main objective of the assessment is to quantify and monitor trends of Land Use and Land Cover Change (LULCC) and its spatial and temporal distribution in the Eastern Nile (EN) Basin as well as conduct hydrological assessments. 

3. Duties and Responsibilities

  • Collect observation (point and remote sensing) data for climate, hydrological, and LULC for change detection and hydrological assessment from national, regional and global sources, 
  • Conduct desk review of knowledge products on LULCC and Hydrological alternations specific to the EN river basin,
  • Assess the LULCC and its impact on the hydrological flow for the last 20-30 years
  • Update ENTRO database specific to the EN River basin 
  • Apply new techniques (e.g., data analysis, development of new knowledge products/maps, assisting in model development and application, preparation of reports and documents, etc.).
  • Organize and compile the assessment to present the results for policy/decision makers, stakeholders, and for knowledge base at ENTRO and EN countries.
  • Participates in capacity building training, field visits and workshops.
  • Performs other duties as assigned or required.

4. Qualification requirements

  • Minimum B.Sc. in Hydrology, Natural Resources Management, Remote Sensing and GIS, Water Resources Engineering and Management, Hydraulic Engineering, Irrigation Engineering, River Basin Management, or related fields 
  • Minimum of five (5) years of Experience after B.Sc. degree in the above fields of area. 
  • Having MSc. Degree or above in the above fields is an advantage.
  • Knowledge of applying and using Hydrological and Remote Sensing models and tools is an advantage.
  • Knowledge of programming language (preferably R) and/or using water resources data analysis tools, GIS and any other spatial analysis and statistical tools is an asset.
  • Fluency in written and oral communication in English, capability of clear report writings with excellent illustrative and graphical presentation skills, 
  • Capability of working in multi-disciplinary and multi‐cultural teams, and under tight deadlines. 
  • You must be under thirty-five (35) years of age at the time of application.
  • Only Citizen of one of the Eastern Nile basin countries (Egypt, Ethiopia, South Sudan, and Sudan) can apply.
  • Female candidates are highly encouraged to apply.
  • Previous ENTRO interns are not allowed to apply!

5. Implementation Arrangements

  • The deadline for application is 31-January 2025, time: 24:00hr (mid-night Addis Ababa time)
  • This assignment is a 3-month assignment, extending from 01-March 2025 to 31-May 2025
  • The Intern will be stationed at ENTRO office, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia.
  • ENTRO will cover the cost of the travel expenses (ticket, visa, etc) as well as giving a monthly stipend to cater accommodation and living expenses.
  • ENTRO assigns an internship supervisor who will be responsible for overseeing the work and to whom each intern shall report.
  • ENTRO shall also provide:
    • Adequate support to the interns by facilitating gathering of data, access to relevant information and authorities.
    • Providing adequate office space and support facilities (such as internet)
    • Capacity building programs and training will be organized in collaboration with other partners, and it will be defined later.
  • Any studies, reports, or other material, or otherwise, prepared by the Intern during the internship period shall belong to and remain the property of the ENTRO. The Intern may retain a copy of such documents.

6. Application

Interns must submit their CVs together with the cover letter, copy of passport and the application form that can be found at the last page of the TOR Via email to the following email address: entrointernship@nilebasin.org and copy it to gabdi@nilebasin.org





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