Local recruitment: Environmental Program Coordinator via Idealist

Mystic River Watershed Association (MyRWA)

Arlington, MA, USA 🇺🇸


  • Serve as the primary point of contact for the Mystic River Urban Waters Federal Partnership.
  • Coordinate the quarterly meetings of the EPA-convened Mystic River Watershed Steering Committee.
  • Work with the planning subcommittee comprising EPA, MyRWA, and others.
  • Represent the partnership by participating on regular conference/video calls organized by EPA, the Urban Waters Learning Network, and/or other Federal Partners.
  • Provide timely responses to EPA HQ and EPA Region 1 on information requests pertaining to the Urban Waters Federal Partnership.
  • Coordinate in the Massachusetts Bays region on behalf of the Urban Waters Program, EPA, and the Mass Bays Estuary Partnership to promote meaningful engagement on environmental issues.
  • Assist with river stewardship events, expanding public access to the river and open space projects, water quality monitoring, distribution of water quality data and outreach.
  • Lead the Trash Free Mystic initiative and develop a holistic trash education and data collection program.
  • Coordinate the Mystic Stormwater Education program to assist municipalities in educating residents and business owners on responsibilities and opportunities to reduce pollution.


Bachelor’s degree in Environmental Science and two (2) years of work experience including environmental science and policy. Total experience must include 6 months of experience in one of the following: public health, stormwater education, stewardship, or litter campaigns; and developing collaborative relationships.

In the alternative, will accept Master’s degree in Environmental Science and six (6) months of work experience including environmental science and policy. Total experience must include 6 months of experience in one of the following: public health, stormwater education, stewardship, or litter campaigns; and developing collaborative relationships.

Hybrid office/home work schedule.

Apply to: MyRWA, 23 Maple St, Arlington, MA 02476. Refer to job code SB24.





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