Technician (Level 15) via EURAXESS

CIIMAR - Interdisciplinary Center of Marine and Environmental Research

Matosinhos, Portugal 🇵🇹

Offer Description

A competition is open for the attribution of one (1) work contract vacancy to a Technician (Level 15) in the framework of the project INSPIRE – Innovative Solutions for Plastic Free European Rivers, a Horizon Europe funded project (Grant agreement no: 101112879), under the call HORIZON-MISS-2022-OCEAN-01, within the R&D Institution Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research (CIIMAR), according to the following conditions:

  1. Scientific area: Biology, Environmental Sciences or similar

2.  Admission requirements: The candidate must accomplish by the following requisites:

– Degree in Biology, Environmental Sciences or similar areas;

– More than 7 years of experience in aquatic ecology;

– Proven experience in applying all Water Framework Directive (WFD) metrics;

– Ability to write scientific publications, technical and scientific reports in the scientific area of the contest;

– Knowledge of the Portuguese language at the user level;

– Proficiency in the English language;

– Proven experience in international projects;

– Immediate availability;

Failure to comply with these requirements determines the preliminary rejection of the application.

Preferential conditions:

– Proven work experience in the area of application of the Water Framework Directive in different typologies of water bodies, with calculation of the ecological assessment and application of the different indexes: IGA, AMBI, M-AMBI, BAT;

– Proven experience in field work, namely in the collection of samples from various matrices (biotic and abiotic);

– Proven experience in processing biological (phytoplankton, benthic macroinvertebrates, ichthyofauna) and abiotic (nutrients, photosynthetic pigments, organic matter, granulometry) samples in the laboratory;

– Participation in scientific projects in the area;

– Proven knowledge and work in ecological, ecosystem services and environmental impact assessments;

– Experience in analyzing and interpreting environmental data;

– Experience in geographic information systems, for the production of maps and spatial analysis of data in aquatic ecosystems and surrounding areas;

– Experience in organization and logistics of long-term field trips;

– Capacity for initiative and responsibility.

3. Work Plan: The selected candidate will join the Coastal Biodiversity Lab with the objective of conducting ecological assessment campaigns, microlitter monitoring work and other related field and laboratory work contributing to project WP 1; Task 1.2. (Monitoring of microlitter) and Task 1.4 (Environmental impact assessment of litter & plastic removal technologies).

The Technician will be responsible for the logistical preparation of field campaigns in order to sample all the parameters proposed by the WFD for transitional waters (biological, physical and chemical, and hydromorphological). Subsequently, in the laboratory, the hired technician will have to process all the samples collected in order to classify the ecological status of the aquatic ecosystem (calculation of indices: IGA, AMBI, M-AMBI, BAT). It is also intended that the technician accompany the monitoring of micro- and macroplastics in progress in the Douro estuary, during the entire period of infrastructure  implementation and produce spatial assessment maps of the Douro river basin. Additionally, the hired technician will have to assist and monitor the citizen science activities planned throughout the project, as well as in the dissemination and logistic support of the project results.

4. Legislation and official rules: Art. 140 n. 1 and n. 2, g) and 148 the Labor Code (Law 7/2009, of 12 February and respective updates).

5. Work place: 

The selected candidate will be integrated into the Research Team Coastal Biodiversity Lab at CIIMAR (University of Porto), under the scientific supervision of Prof. Sara C. Antunes. The selected candidate will work in an international and highly multidisciplinary environment with a strong connection to the Ocean.The work will be carried out in the FCUP facilities, Biology Department, in the laboratory 1.14 of the FC4 building, located at Rua do Campo Alegre, s/n, 4169-007 Porto, Portugal.

6. Duration of the contract: An uncertain term work contract will be signed, starting January 2025

7. Monthly salary: Equated to the higher technical career, level 15: gross monthly salary € 1.333,35; food, holidays and Christmas allowance apart.

8. Selection methods: The ranking of candidates will be carried out after the evaluation of individual CVs and motivation letters, based on:

A – Assessment of mandatory and preferential requirements for admission and experience in the desired area;

B – Technical-scientific production;

C – Assessment of the candidate’s profile considering motivation, knowledge in the desired scientific field and experience, as well as transversal knowledge.

The selection criteria will be assigned the following weighting:

0.40 x A + 0.30 x B + 0.30 x C

If considered necessary, an interview will be carried out with the first 3 candidates, which will have a maximum weight of 30% of the final evaluation:

0.7 x CV and Motivation (A+B+C) + 0.3 x Interview

The final classification system for candidates is expressed on a scale from 0 to 20 values. The jury will deliberate by means of a grounded nominal vote, based on the adopted and published selection criteria, with no abstentions allowed. Upon completion of the evaluation process, the jury will draw up a list of eligible candidates in order of ranking. The minutes of the jury meeting will be available to candidates whenever requested.

9. Composition of the jury selection:

President of the jury:  Prof. Isabel Sousa-Pinto

Vogal: Prof. Sara C. Antunes

Vogal: Dr. Luis R. Vieira

Alternative Vogal: Dr. Isabel Iglesias

Alternative Vogal: Dr. Ana Mafalda Correia

10. Form of advertising/notification of results: The final results of the evaluation will be send through a list sorting the candidates according to their attributed mark, by e-mail and available in CIIMAR website; in case of disagreement, the candidates have a 10-working day term in which to contest the decision, if its so wishes, as provided for in the Código do Procedimento Administrativo in a preliminary hearing setting. The jury reserves the right to not assign the contract depending on the quality of the applications.

11. Deadline for application and presentation of applications: The competition is open from 5/12/2024 until 18/12/2024. The applications must be formalized, compulsorily, by sending the following documents:

– application letter (include: application reference, contact e-mail address and phone number);

– motivation letter;

– detailed Curriculum vitae;

– copy of the eligibility certificates. 

Applications must be sent by email to , with cc to with the reference application in the Reference: 2024_081_TS_INSPIRE. Attachments should be limited to 20 MB total size. Applications that do not include all the elements previously indicated will not be considered.

12. Non-discrimination and equal access policy: CIIMAR actively promotes a policy of non-discrimination and equal access, by which no candidate can be privileged, can benefit or be put in disadvantage, or can be deprived of any rights or duties based on their social or cultural background, ethnic group or race, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, economic status, education, social condition, genetic assets, reduced work capacity, disability, chronic disease, nationality, territory of origin, language, religion, political or ideological beliefs and unionization.

As set forth by the Decree Law 29/2001, the candidate with disability has preference if equally classified, which prevails over any other legal preference. The candidates with disability must declare in their application, on their word of honour, their degree and type of disability, and the means of communication/expression that are to be used in the selection process, as provided by the above mentioned legal diploma.

Where to apply



Research FieldBiological sciencesEducation LevelBachelor Degree or equivalent


Admission requirements: The candidate must accomplish by the following requisites:

– Degree in Biology, Environmental Sciences or similar areas

– More than 7 years of experience in aquatic ecology

– Proven experience in applying all Water Framework Directive (WFD) metrics

– Ability to write scientific publications, technical and scientific reports in the scientific area of the contest

– Knowledge of the Portuguese language at the user level

– Proficiency in the English language

– Proven experience in international projects

– Immediate availability

Failure to comply with these requirements determines the preliminary rejection of the application.

Specific Requirements

Preferential conditions:

– Proven work experience in the area of application of the Water Framework Directive in different typologies of water bodies, with calculation of the ecological assessment and application of the different indexes: IGA, AMBI, M-AMBI, BAT;

– Proven experience in field work, namely in the collection of samples from various matrices (biotic and abiotic);

– Proven experience in processing biological (phytoplankton, benthic macroinvertebrates, ichthyofauna) and abiotic (nutrients, photosynthetic pigments, organic matter, granulometry) samples in the laboratory;

– Participation in scientific projects in the area;

– Proven knowledge and work in ecological, ecosystem services and environmental impact assessments;

– Experience in analyzing and interpreting environmental data;

– Experience in geographic information systems, for the production of maps and spatial analysis of data in aquatic ecosystems and surrounding areas;

– Experience in organization and logistics of long-term field trips;

– Capacity for initiative and responsibility.LanguagesENGLISHLevelExcellentResearch FieldBiological sciencesYears of Research Experience1 – 4

Additional Information


Duration of the contract: An uncertain term work contract will be signed, starting January 2025.

Monthly salary: Equated to the higher technical career, level 15: gross monthly salary € 1.333,35; food, holidays and Christmas allowance apart.

Selection process

Selection methods: The ranking of candidates will be carried out after the evaluation of individual CVs and motivation letters, based on:

A – Assessment of mandatory and preferential requirements for admission and experience in the desired area;

B – Technical-scientific production;

C – Assessment of the candidate’s profile considering motivation, knowledge in the desired scientific field and experience, as well as transversal knowledge.

The selection criteria will be assigned the following weighting:

0.40 x A + 0.30 x B + 0.30 x C

If considered necessary, an interview will be carried out with the first 3 candidates, which will have a maximum weight of 30% of the final evaluation:

0.7 x CV and Motivation (A+B+C) + 0.3 x Interview

The final classification system for candidates is expressed on a scale from 0 to 20 values. The jury will deliberate by means of a grounded nominal vote, based on the adopted and published selection criteria, with no abstentions allowed. Upon completion of the evaluation process, the jury will draw up a list of eligible candidates in order of ranking. The minutes of the jury meeting will be available to candidates whenever requested.

Website for additional job details:




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