Request for Proposals - Baseline Data Collection Consultancy: Citywide survey of Baseline WASH conditions at government schools in Lusaka, Ndola and Kitwe cities in Zambia


Zambia 🇿🇲

Splash is seeking an independent firm to collect data at all government-funded public schools in Lusaka, Ndola, and Kitwe cities in Zambia. Splash will provide the survey questions including operational definitions, the requirements for raw data format and the data tables used for analysis.

The selected firm will be responsible for:

  • Collaborating with Splash to finalize and pilot the survey questions.
  • Building, testing, and managing the survey collection tools, including translation and reverse translation (if necessary)
  • Recruiting, training, and supervising data collectors.
  • Obtaining list of and access to all government-funded primary and secondary schools within each city.
  • Conducting data collection at all locations.
  • Compiling and cleaning all data
  • Conducting exploratory and confirmatory data analysis
  • Submitting a written report of findings to Splash.


  • Final survey instrument including question type, permitted entries, controlling questions,
    skip logic and all other quality assurance mechanisms desired (in collaboration with Splash)
  • Digital survey tool (using whatever format or application that suits the firm, but must meet all survey design requirements including controlling questions, skip logic, required fields, required format, etc.)
  • Water quality tests in at least 45 randomly selected schools per city, along with a clean dataset containing results of the tests.
  • Clean, complete, compiled raw data to Splash in agreed-upon format, including data shaped for analysis (if required depending on survey tool)
  • Written report of data analysis including exploratory data analysis findings and confirmatory data analysis of agreed-upon data tabulations to Splash.
  • GIS maps for each city showing school locations, enrollment, and current water, sanitation and hygiene conditions.


This survey project will run from January 2025 through February 2025


Proposals must be submitted to Fiker Abebe, Director of Impact ( by December 18th, 2024. The contract will be granted no later than December 31st, 2024.


Questions regarding this Request for Proposal (RFP) should be submitted by email to, no later than December 11th, 2024. Any information given to a prospective applicant concerning this RFP will be furnished promptly to all other prospective applicants, if that information is necessary in submitting applications or if the lack of it would be prejudicial to any other prospective applicant.




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