Offer Description
A competition is open for the attribution of one (1) work contract vacancy to a Doctorate researcher (Level 37) in the framework of the project INSPIRE – Innovative Solutions for Plastic Free European Rivers, a Horizon Europe funded project (Grant agreement no: 101112879), under the call HORIZON-MISS-2022-OCEAN-01, within the R&D Institution CIIMAR (Interdisciplinary Centre of Marine and Environmental Research), according to the following conditions:
1. Scientific area: Biology or Biotechnology
2. Admission requirements:
i) PhD degree in Biology, Zoology, Aquatic Ecology or similar areas of expertise
ii) Proven experience in environmental monitoring, boat-based fieldwork, and stakeholder engagement
To be admitted to the competition, the candidates must hold a PhD degree in Biology, Zoology, or a related field. The candidate should also have experience in writing scientific articles, a good academic and professional track record, experience working in multinational teams particularly on EU-funded Research & Innovation projects. The candidate should be able to demonstrate knowledge and practical experience in issues affecting aquatic environments, particularly plastic pollution and the international policies supporting good environmental management. They should demonstrate good science communication skills with experience organising outreach events and workshops, and should have experience working across science-policy-society and multisectoral knowledge-transfer. The candidates should have immediate availability and be able to communicate orally and in written form through English with at least a basic level of Portuguese.
Any national, foreign and stateless candidate(s) who hold a PhD degree in one of the afore-mentioned areas and a scientific and professional curriculum whose profile is suited for the activity to be performed and complies with the conditions set above in terms of professional experience is encouraged to apply to this position. In cases where the PhD degree was awarded by a foreign higher education institution, the said degree must comply with the provisions of Decree-Law no. 66/2018 of 16th August until the signature of the contract.
All candidates who fail to fulfil the admission requirements established will be excluded from admission.
Conditions of preference:
– Scientific publications in refereed journals.
– Participation in scientific projects on a European level including following Work Programmes, implementing tasks, writing deliverables, and presenting outputs to varied audiences.
– Participation in European initiatives and strategies in the field of marine ecosystems and marine litter.
– Knowledge and experience in ecological monitoring and assessments of coastal and estuarine habitats and anthropogenic pressures.
– Proven experience with sampling, monitoring, and reporting on aquatic invertebrate health status, including but not limited to bivalve species.
– Proven experience of work in the area of plastic pollution: technology for litter removal, European policies on Marine Litter and plastic pollution.
– Experience with identifying, forming, and developing synergies and networks with various communities including but not limited to policymakers, European administrative and legislative bodies, academic experts.
– Proven experience with European and International science-policy networks, High-Level stakeholder engagement including dialogue facilitation, moderation, and science advocacy.
– Experience in organizing events, webinars, workshops and Citizen Science activities such as beach clean-ups.
3. Work Plan:
The selected candidate will join the Coastal Biodiversity Lab with the objective of conducting ecological assessment campaigns, writing the respective reports and scientific, and policy-oriented publications, and engaging local and international networks of stakeholders and communities. The candidate will produce literature and outputs within the framework of European Green Deal and European Plastics Strategy and similar international directives. They will contribute to the monitoring of innovative technologies for plastic removal and the concurrent ecological impact assessment, this work will involve the in situ collecting of various samples (water, sediment, invertebrates) and their preparation for analysis. They will assist in organising key stakeholder events communicating regularly with local, national, and international managers and policymakers. The candidate will be expected to support other activities within the project as required.
4. Legislation and official rules:
Decree-Law no. 57/2016 of 29th August, which approved the doctorate hiring regime destined to stimulate scientific and technological employment for all knowledge areas (RJEC), updated by the Law no. 57/2017 of 19th July and Labour Code approved Law no. 7/2009 of 12th February, under its current reading and Regulatory Decree No. 11-A / 2017, of 29th December.
5. Work place:
The selected candidate will work under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Isabel Sousa Pinto, integrated into the Research Team Coastal Biodiversity Lab at CIIMAR (University of Porto). The laboratory is located at the headquarters of CIIMAR, in the modern Cruise Ship Terminal of the Port of Leixões, in Matosinhos, Porto’s metropolitan area. The selected candidate will work in an international and highly multidisciplinary environment with a strong connection to the Ocean.
6. Duration of the contract:
An uncertain term work contract will be signed starting January 2025, under the regime of exclusivity, according to legal terms (articles nº 140, nº 1 and nº 2, g; and article nº 148, − Labour Code and article 6, no 1 b) and n º 3 from Decree-Law n. 57/2016, de 29 -08, in the current wording.
7. Monthly salary:
Equivalent to level 37: gross monthly salary of €2.511,81 (two thousand five hundred and eleven euros, eighty-one cents); with added allowances for food, holiday and Christmas paid separately.
8. Selection Methods:
Ranking of the candidates will be performed by Curriculum vitae (CV) evaluation and letter of motivation, according to the following criteria:
A – Evaluation of the admission requirements and preferential conditions in the field of study;
B – Scientific production;
C – Evaluation of the candidate’s profile, considering motivation, knowledge and experience in the field as well as transversal knowledge.
The evaluation will score as follows: 0.40xA + 0.40xB + 0.20xC
If necessary, an interview will be done with the three top candidates, with a maximum weight of 10% of the final evaluation:
0.9xCV and Motivation (A+B+C) + 0.1 x Interview
The grading system will produce a result on a 0 to 20 scale, based on the above-mentioned criteria and weights. The Selection Committee shall deliberate using a nominal vote based on the selection criteria adopted and published, and abstentions are not allowed. After completing the application of the selection criteria, the jury will draw up an ordered list of successful candidates with their classification. The minutes of the Selection Committee’s meeting will be available to the candidates if requested.
9. Composition of the Jury:
President of the Jury: Prof. Isabel Sousa-Pinto
Vogal: Dr. Luis R. Vieira
Vogal: Prof. Sara Antunes
Substitute vogal: Dr. Isabel Iglesias
Substitute vogal: Dr. Ana Mafalda Correia
10. Form of Advertising/notification of results:
The results of the first step of the evaluation (pre-selection) will be published on the website of CIIMAR and sent by e-mail. The candidates have a 10-working day term in which to contest the decision, if they so wish, as provided for in the “Código do Procedimento Administrativo”, in a preliminary hearing setting. After the eventual collection of reference letters and interviews, the final results will be published on the website of CIIMAR and communicated by e-mail to the candidates. The jury reserves the right not to assign the work contract if none of the candidates meet all the requirements and/or match the desired profile.
11. Deadline for application and presentation of applications:
Deadline for application and how to apply: If you are interested in this position, you should send your application between the 5/12/2024 until 18/12/2024, to, and The subject of the e-mail must contain the competition reference (as indicated in this announcement). The application must be formalized compulsorily by sending the following documents (all documents in English language):
– Application letter (including the reference of the competition, as indicated in this announcement, contact e-mail address and phone number);
– Motivation Letter (max 2 pages) that includes a short description of the professional
– Detailed Curriculum vitae;
– Copy of the eligibility certificates (PhD. degree certificate);
– Reference contact information.
Attachments should be limited to 2 MB in total size. The applications that do not include all the elements previously indicated will not be considered.
12. Non-discrimination and equal access policy:
CIIMAR actively promotes a policy of non-discrimination and equal access, so that no candidate can be privileged, beneficiary, disadvantaged or private of any right or exemption from any duty owing, in particular, to ancestry, age, sex, sexual orientation, marital status, family status, economic situation, education, social origin or condition, genetic heritage, reduced working capacity, disability, chronic illness, nationality, ethnic origin or race, territory of origin, language, religion, political or ideological beliefs and trade union membership.
Under the terms of D.L. No. 29/2001, of February 3rd, the disabled candidate has preference in equal classification, which prevails over any other legal preference. Candidates must declare their respective degree of incapacity, the type of disability and the means of communication/expression to be used in the selection process, under the terms of the aforementioned diploma.
Where to apply
Research FieldBiological sciencesEducation LevelPhD or equivalent
Admission requirements:
i) PhD degree in Biology, Zoology, Aquatic Ecology or similar areas of expertise
ii) Proven experience in environmental monitoring, boat-based fieldwork, and stakeholder engagement
To be admitted to the competition, the candidates must hold a PhD degree in Biology, Zoology, or a related field. The candidate should also have experience in writing scientific articles, a good academic and professional track record, experience working in multinational teams particularly on EU-funded Research & Innovation projects. The candidate should be able to demonstrate knowledge and practical experience in issues affecting aquatic environments, particularly plastic pollution and the international policies supporting good environmental management. They should demonstrate good science communication skills with experience organising outreach events and workshops, and should have experience working across science-policy-society and multisectoral knowledge-transfer. The candidates should have immediate availability and be able to communicate orally and in written form through English with at least a basic level of Portuguese.
Any national, foreign and stateless candidate(s) who hold a PhD degree in one of the afore-mentioned areas and a scientific and professional curriculum whose profile is suited for the activity to be performed and complies with the conditions set above in terms of professional experience is encouraged to apply to this position. In cases where the PhD degree was awarded by a foreign higher education institution, the said degree must comply with the provisions of Decree-Law no. 66/2018 of 16th August until the signature of the contract.
All candidates who fail to fulfil the admission requirements established will be excluded from admission.
Specific Requirements
Conditions of preference:
– Scientific publications in refereed journals.
– Participation in scientific projects on a European level including following Work Programmes, implementing tasks, writing deliverables, and presenting outputs to varied audiences.
– Participation in European initiatives and strategies in the field of marine ecosystems and marine litter.
– Knowledge and experience in ecological monitoring and assessments of coastal and estuarine habitats and anthropogenic pressures.
– Proven experience with sampling, monitoring, and reporting on aquatic invertebrate health status, including but not limited to bivalve species.
– Proven experience of work in the area of plastic pollution: technology for litter removal, European policies on Marine Litter and plastic pollution.
– Experience with identifying, forming, and developing synergies and networks with various communities including but not limited to policymakers, European administrative and legislative bodies, academic experts.
– Proven experience with European and International science-policy networks, High-Level stakeholder engagement including dialogue facilitation, moderation, and science advocacy.
– Experience in organizing events, webinars, workshops and Citizen Science activities such as beach clean-ups.LanguagesENGLISHLevelExcellentResearch FieldBiological sciencesYears of Research Experience1 – 4
Additional Information
Duration of the contract:
An uncertain term work contract will be signed starting January 2025, under the regime of exclusivity, according to legal terms (articles nº 140, nº 1 and nº 2, g; and article nº 148, − Labour Code and article 6, no 1 b) and n º 3 from Decree-Law n. 57/2016, de 29 -08, in the current wording.
Monthly salary:
Equivalent to level 37: gross monthly salary of €2.511,81 (two thousand five hundred and eleven euros, eighty-one cents); with added allowances for food, holiday and Christmas paid separately.
Selection process
Ranking of the candidates will be performed by Curriculum vitae (CV) evaluation and letter of motivation, according to the following criteria:
A – Evaluation of the admission requirements and preferential conditions in the field of study;
B – Scientific production;
C – Evaluation of the candidate’s profile, considering motivation, knowledge and experience in the field as well as transversal knowledge.
The evaluation will score as follows: 0.40xA + 0.40xB + 0.20xC
If necessary, an interview will be done with the three top candidates, with a maximum weight of 10% of the final evaluation:
0.9xCV and Motivation (A+B+C) + 0.1 x Interview
The grading system will produce a result on a 0 to 20 scale, based on the above-mentioned criteria and weights. The Selection Committee shall deliberate using a nominal vote based on the selection criteria adopted and published, and abstentions are not allowed. After completing the application of the selection criteria, the jury will draw up an ordered list of successful candidates with their classification. The minutes of the Selection Committee’s meeting will be available to the candidates if requested.
Website for additional job details: