We are looking for an early career (postdoctoral) hydrologist with expertise on modeling land use dynamics in water systems (knowledge of human-water systems/hydroeconomics/socio-hydrology modelling is an asset) to work on the ERC CoG WaterTheft, funded by the European Union’s HORIZONTE EUROPE research and innovation programme under grant agreement no. 101124884.
The researcher will work for four years on the preparation of the hydrologic database, in close collaboration with a senior researcher producing remote sensing estimates on water use across California, Australia, and Spain; on the setup of the hydro(geo)logic models and their coupling with human systems, leveraging land use dynamics and their integration into hydrological models, in close collaboration with micro- and macro-economic modellers; and on the setup of the multi-model ensemble, in close collaboration with data scientists and ensemble modellers to support ensemble forecasting exercises. Working language will be English.
Please contact dionisio.perez@imdea.org to apply