Expertise: Water supply and sewer operations and planning, Contract management
Expertise Group: Engineering
Consultant Source: International
TOR Keywords: Water supply and sanitation planning and operations, contract amanegment
Objective and Purpose of the Assignment
The Public Utilities Board (PUB) is a State-Owned Enterprise (SOE) responsible for providing safe,
reliable and affordable power, water and wastewater services to the population on South Tarawa.
PUB is subject to natural vulnerabilities associated with small island states, in remote geographic
regions, with limited natural resources and lacking economies of scale.
The South Tarawa Water Supply Project (STWSP) is a major infrastructure project combining two
desalination plants, over 180km of trunk and feeder pipelines, associated infrastructures, 2 MW of
photovoltaic power supply and an Operations & Maintenance contract to support social welfare in
Kiribati, providing every household in South Tarawa access to 24/7 drinkable water. PUB has added
responsibilities in the oversight of the completion of the network contract under STWSP, following a
Memorandum of Cooperation with MISE, its co-implementation agency. PUB is also expected to own and
operate these assets upon contractual completion.
Given the size and substance of the STWSP infrastructure and PUB’s emergence from years of poor
investment and asset depletion, which also led to weak maintenance, lapsing procedures and insufficient
technical training, PUB requires the services of a Network Operations Advisor for water supply planning
and operations and for contract management to ensure investments delivered by STWSP can be effectively
managed by PUB.
Scope of Work
Support the evolution of PUB’s water business and its integration within the overall utility, ensuring
long-term sustainability
Detailed Tasks and/or Expected Output
The Network Operations Advisor will be responsible to the CEO and will work with PUB’s Water Engineering
Manager,. The tasks of the Network Operations will include, but not necessarily be limited to:
- Support the integration of the previous Betio drought plan within the sequencing of the STWSP
networks contract. - Ensure that the contract effectively addresses the necessary infrastructure for managing the water
supply requirements of Betio, noting delays in the operation of the STWSP (Betio Plant), with clear
timelines and risk mitigation strategies. - Facilitate the expansion of water supply networks from the McKenzie site, addressing challenges posed
by the Betio desalination plant. - Oversee the design and implementation (by others) of small-diameter pipe networks and customer
connection infrastructure, ensuring that the contract covers not just pipes in the ground but also
plumbing aspects, including customer taps and metering. - Provide technical oversight during the execution of the STWSP Networks Contract.
- Ensure that all customer connection taps and meters are integrated into the system, facilitating a
comprehensive network solution. - Liaise with contractors and PUB staff to maintain the integrity of the project timelines and outcomes.
- Demonstrate a personal commitment to PUB HSEQ, and Equal Employment Opportunity objectives, to ensure
personal safety and the safety of others, a workplace free from discrimination and harassment and a
philosophy of quality assurance and pollution prevention. - Guide the CEO on the proposed future structure of the PUB Water business and any plans required for
Minimum Qualification Requirements
The Network Operations Advisor will be a civil or environmental engineer with qualifications from a
recognized university and at least 15 years’ experience in the water supply network planning and
operations and at least 10 years’ experience in administering large (<US$10 million) water supply
contracts. Small island nation and administration of performance-based operations and maintenance
contracts Experience will be viewed favorably.
Minimum General Experience: 15 Years
Minimum Specific Experience (relevant to assignment): 15 Years