Researcher: Quantification of the effects of climate change and forest expansion on the water and energy cycles, Quantification of the effects of climate change and forest expansion on the water and energy cycles via EURAXESS

Politecnico di Milano

Milan, Italy 🇮🇹

Offer Description

The main goal of GLANCE is to leverage ESA CCI ECVs for the quantification of the effects of climate change and land abandonment on forest carbon dynamics, water and energy cycles in the Mediterranean Region.
GLANCE aims at answering the following research questions:
1. How much, where and what type of Mediterranean forests have expanded in the past couple of decades?
2. How has forest expansion due to land abandonment and climate change impacted water, energy and carbon cycles especially during major drought events?
3. Which is the sensitivity of a change in runoff, groundwater recharge, evaporation, net and gross primary productivity, water use efficiency to changes in forest cover under land abandonment and climate change?

Where to apply



Additional Information

Eligibility criteria

Relevance of qualifications with the research programme object of selection

Consistency of the candidate’s overall profile with respect to the content of the research programme for selection

Close relevance of publications submitted with the research programme object of selection

Interview aimed at ascertaining the candidate’s aptitude for the research object of the selection

Eligible destination country/ies for fellows:


Eligibility of fellows: country/ies of residence:

  • All

Eligibility of fellows: nationality/ies:

  • All

Selection process

In order to participate in the selection, please read the call (“bando”) available at the following website:…

Website for additional job details:…




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