Tampere University and Tampere University of Applied Sciences create a unique environment for multidisciplinary, inspirational and high-impact research and education. Our universities community has its competitive edges in technology, health and society. www.tuni.fi/en
The Doctoral Researcher position is based in the Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences in the Resource Recovery and Valorisation research group, which focuses on creating value from water and wastewater streams through a resource-efficient approach grounded in the circular economy principles. This position is part of an academy project co-funded by the Research Council of Finland, which explores the potential of utilizing phosphorus-rich waste streams produced in large quantities globally. The project aims to develop an innovative, sustainable, and economically viable method to separate and recover phosphorus from contaminated streams in phosphogypsum pile areas. The work involves close collaboration with research groups from the University of Eastern Finland.
Job description
As the Doctoral Researcher, your responsibilities will include:
- Conducting literature reviews on state-of-the-art electrochemically driven resource recovery from liquid streams.
- Planning and executing laboratory experiments on electrochemical phosphorus recovery, including process optimization.
- Writing publications for peer-reviewed scientific journals.
- Presenting research findings at international conferences and seminars.
- Collaborating with European partner universities through research visits.
Teaching responsibilities may also be part of the role, which amounts to approximately 5% of annual working hours.
The position requires:
- A Master’s degree in chemical engineering, environmental engineering, or a related science or engineering discipline by the time of application.
- Strong knowledge of electrochemistry fundamentals and an interest in electrochemical processes for phosphorus recovery from wastewater.
- Laboratory experience, as evidenced by taken courses or previous research projects.
- High motivation and the ability to complete doctoral studies successfully.
- Excellent command of spoken and written English.
We appreciate:
- Basic knowledge of applying statistical tools for process optimization in laboratory experiments.
- Experience with process simulation and modelling.
Please note that before commencing the position, the selected candidate must apply for a study right within the doctoral program at Tampere University, unless they already have one. Please visit the admissions webpage for more information on eligibility requirements.
Tampere University is a unique, multidisciplinary and boldly forward-looking, evolving community. Our values are openness, diversity, responsibility, courage, critical thinking, erudition, and learner-centeredness. We hope that you can embrace these values and promote them in your work.
We offer
The position will be filled for a fixed-term period of three (3) years. The expected starting date is January 15, 2025, or as soon after that as possible. A trial period of six (6) months applies to all our new employees.
The salary will be based on both the job demands and the employee’s personal performance in accordance with the University Salary System. According to the criteria applied to teaching and research staff, the position of a doctoral researcher is placed on level 2-4 of the job requirements scale. In addition, employees will receive performance-based salary. A typical starting salary for a Doctoral Researcher is approximately 2600 EUR per month. The salary increases based on experience and the progress of doctoral studies.
We offer a wide range of staff benefits, such as occupational health care, flexible working hours, excellent sports facilities on campus and several restaurants and cafés on campus with staff discounts. Please read more about working at Tampere University.
Finland is among the most stable, free and safe countries in the world, based on prominent ratings by various agencies. It is also ranked as one of the top countries as far as social progress is concerned. Tampere is counted among the major academic hubs in the Nordic countries and offers a dynamic living environment. Tampere’s region is one of the most rapidly growing urban areas in Finland and home to a vibrant knowledge-intensive entrepreneurial community. The city is an industrial powerhouse that enjoys a rich cultural scene and a reputation as a centre of Finland’s information society.
For more information on Tampere and Finland, please visit:
How to apply
Please submit your application through our online recruitment system. The closing date for applications is December 19, 2024 (at 23:59 EEST / UTC+2). Applications and all accompanying documentation should be written in English, and in PDF format.
Applications should include the following documents in one file:
- Motivation letter and description of your research interests (max. 1 A4 page)
- Curriculum vitae according to the TENK template (including the contact details of two referees).
- List of publications (if any)
- Copy of your MSc and BSc degree certificates
- Transcript of records (master’s degree studies).
For more information, please contact:
Associate Professor, Supervisor, Małgorzata Szlachta, malgorzata.szlachta (at) tuni.fi
Tampereen yliopisto ja Tampereen ammattikorkeakoulu muodostavat yhdessä Suomen toiseksi suurimman monitieteisen, innostavan ja vaikuttavan tutkimus- ja oppimisyhteisön. Korkeakouluyhteisömme osaamiskärjet ovat tekniikka, terveys ja yhteiskunta. Lue lisää: www.tuni.fi
Tekniikan ja luonnontieteiden tiedekunnan materiaalitieteiden yksikössä apulaisprofessori Malgorzata Szlachtan johtamassa tutkimusryhmässä on avoinna väitöskirjatutkijan tehtävä, joka keskittyy arvonluomiseen vesi- ja jätevesivirroista kiertotalouden periaatteisiin perustuvan resurssitehokkaan lähestymistavan avulla. Tehtävä on osa Suomen tutkimusneuvoston osarahoittamaa akatemiahanketta, jossa selvitetään mahdollisuuksia hyödyntää maailmanlaajuisesti suuria määriä tuotettuja fosforipitoisia jätevirtoja. Hankkeen tavoitteena on kehittää innovatiivinen, kestävä ja taloudellisesti kannattava menetelmä fosforin erottamiseksi ja talteen ottamiseksi saastuneista puroista fosfokipsijätteen kasaantumisalueilla. Työssä tehdään tiivistä yhteistyötä Itä-Suomen yliopiston tutkimusryhmien kanssa.
Tehtävässä pääsee osaksi sähkökemiallisen fosforin talteenoton laboratoriokokeiden suunnittelua ja toteutusta, mukaan lukien prosessin optimoinni. Lisäksi huippuluokan sähkökemiallisesti ohjatun resurssien talteenoton kirjallisuuskatsaukset nestevirroista.
Lue tarkemmat tiedot tehtävästä ja hakuohjeet yllä olevasta englanninkielisestä ilmoituksesta.
Jätäthän hakemuksesi yliopiston sähköisellä hakulomakkeella (linkki löytyy tämän ilmoituksen alta).
Hakuaika tehtävään päättyy 19.12.2024 klo 23.59.
Application period starts: 2024-11-20 16:00Application period ends: 2024-12-19 23:59