Local recruitment: Civil Engineer / Agrl. Engineer / Program Coordinator via DevNetJobsIndia

Water and Livelihoods Foundation (WLF)

India 🇮🇳

Walk-in Staff Recruitment: Civil Engineer / Agrl. Engineer / Program Coordinator

Water and Livelihoods Foundation (WLF) is a Public Trust established in 2016 at Hyderabad, India. With a vision of ‘water-security for all’, WLF strives to develop grass-roots innovations, facilitate capacity building and carryout action research in the areas of water, agriculture and livelihoods. WLF is looking for suitable candidates for the following positions against the current / near future vacancies at Hyderabad (TG) and Bapatla (AP):

1. Civil / Agrl. Engineer (2 no.) – a candidate having diploma / bachelor / post-graduate degree in Civil / water resources engineering/ Agrl. Engineering with minimum 5 years of experience in the planning, design and implementation of small lift irrigation schemes, salinity monitoring and management. Experience in activities that counter coastal salinity is highly desirable. Positions are at Bapatla (AP). Total emoluments: Max. 7.0 lakhs pa, commensurate with experience, skills and learning attitude.

2. Program Coordinator (1 no.) – a candidate having bachelor / post-graduate degree with minimum 10 years of experience in the planning, design and implementation of rural development projects, especially in water, agriculture and livelihoods areas. Experience in writing project proposals, publication of books / papers, conducting training events and mobilizing funds are highly desirable. Position is at Hyderabad (TG). Total emoluments: Max. 8.0 lakhs pa, commensurate with past track record and learning attitude.

Attend the walk-in interviews at WLF office (12-13-451, Street no.1, Tarnaka, Secunderabad 500017, Telangana, Ph: 040 27014467, Mob: +91 9396887748, Map location:

https://maps.app.goo.gl/95CRGoj5f1kBGM22A) on 25th or 26th Nov 2024, 2.00 pm to 5.00 pm as per your convenience. Candidates attending the walk-in may carry two hard copies of their detailed CV, photo copies of their certificates and copies of papers / books / reports prepared or published.

WLF is an equal opportunity employer. Qualified and experienced women candidates and persons who are differently-abled are encouraged to apply for these positions. No travel reimbursement is given to interview attendees. WLF reserves the right to reject any application or cancel the recruitment process at any stage. Any query related to this advt. may be written to  wlfoundation@outlook.com on or before 22 Nov 2024.





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