Local recruitment: Water Supply Engineer (Cambodia nationals)

The World Bank

Cambodia 🇰🇭

Phnom Penh, November, 2024


Individual Consultant: National Water Supply Engineer (MISTI-IC-03)


IDA Credit No.: 7427-KH and 7428-KH Project ID No.: P178417

Contract No. and Title: MISTI-IC-03, Individual Consultant: National Water Supply Engineer

  1. The Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology & Innovation (MISTI) and the Ministry of Public Works and Transportation (MPWT), through the Ministry of Economy and Finance (MEF) on behalf of the Royal Government of Cambodia (RGC), have received a Credit in the amount of US$165 million equivalent from the International Development Association (IDA) toward the cost of the Water Supply and Sanitation Acceleration Project (WASAC) for six years starting from 2024 to 2029 and intends to apply part of the proceeds for Consulting Service – Individual Consultant: National Water Supply Engineer.
  2. The WASAC now invites expressions of interest from qualified and experienced Individual National Consultants for National Water Supply Engineer (MISTI-IC-03), for which the detailed Terms of Reference (TOR) can be found at: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1QuBc1a5SZyqsLqrUgutLJ2lgu7B7nlbm?usp=sharing or can be obtained at the address given below. A Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Individual Consultant Selection method set out in the World Bank’s “Procurement Regulations for IPF Borrowers, Procurement in Investment Project Financing, Fifth Edition, dated September 2023.
  3. In submitting their expressions of interest, national consultants are kindly requested to indicate the following reference National Water Supply Engineer (MISTI-IC-03) and provide with their updated Curriculum Vitae with recent photo, indicating personal and technical skills, education qualifications, experience in similar assignments, along with the names of three (3) referees with contact information (e-mail address and telephone numbers).
  4. The duration of the contract is: 12 months (full time) with possible extension.
  5. Further information in a written form can be obtained at the address below during office hours from 8:00AM to 5:00PM, Monday to Friday, except public holidays, at the General Department of Potable Water, Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology & Innovation, No. 45, Preah Norodom Blvd., Phnom Penh, Cambodia. H.E. Tan Sokchea, Director General of General Department of Potable Water, MISTI/WASAC Project Manager, Email: tan.sokchea@gmail.com; Cc: Houl Bonnarith, Under Secretary of State, MISTI/WASAC Project Director, Email:  houl.bonnarith@misti.gov.kh , and Mr. Kim Chanrithy, Procurement Officer, Email: kimchanrithy123@gmail.com.
  6. Expressions of Interest may be submitted in electronic copy followed by the submission of a hard copy if possible and must be submitted to the address below on or before 25 November 2024 (before 5:00 P.M., Phnom Penh Time). Only short-listed candidates will be invited for contract negotiations.

Attn: H.E. Tan Sokchea, Director General of General Department of Potable Water/WASAC Project Manager, Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology & Innovation (MISTI), No. 45, Preah Norodom Blvd., Phnom Penh, Cambodia. Email: tan.sokchea@gmail.com; Cc: Houl Bonnarith, Under Secretary of State, MISTI/WASAC Project Director, Email:  houl.bonnarith@misti.gov.kh , and Mr. Kim Chanrithy, Procurement Officer, Email: kimchanrithy123@gmail.com.

For. Minister

Under Secretary of State

Houl Bonnarith




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