Local recruitment: Researcher - Development of a forecast-informed adaptive management framework for water supply systems (Europe nationals) via EURAXESS

Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell'informazione, elettronica e telecomunicazioni

Messina, Italy 🇮🇹

Offer Description

Artificial reservoirs are strategic for water supply in many arid and semiarid regions in the Mediterranean.
Their functionality is strongly challenged by the decrease in water inflow caused by climate change and
inappropriate water allocation. Reliable seasonal forecasts of reservoir inflows can help to support water
allocation decisions by providing better and earlier estimates of the available water. The project aims at
developing and testing a comprehensive water allocation framework for enhancing multipurpose water
systems’ resilience at time scales ranging from seasonal to multi-decadal, integrating hydrological impact
of seasonal forecasts and climate projections with management alternatives for reservoir’s operations
driven by Monte Carlo simulations. The methodology will be applied to the Salso-Simeto (Sicily) and the
Neto-Tacina (Calabria) systems in southern Italy

Where to apply

Website: https://ingegneria.unime.it/it


Additional Information

Eligibility criteria

Eligible destination country/ies for fellows:

  • Italy

Eligibility of fellows: country/ies of residence:


Eligibility of fellows: nationality/ies:


Website for additional job details: https://www.unime.it/bandi/procedura-selettiva-di-valutazione-titoli-e-esami-il…



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