Local recruitment: S70. Understanding geomorphic processes of the Upper Mississippi and Illinois rivers to support natural resource decision-making (U.S. nationals)

U.S. Geological Survey (USGS)

United States 🇺🇸

Research Opportunity Description

Geomorphic adjustments through river corridors and drainage basins can take years to millennia to complete and lag their drivers, such as river-control-structure emplacement, land-use change, or precipitation-pattern change. Hence, geomorphic trajectories can be complex and challenging to predict. For the Upper Mississippi and Illinois rivers (hereafter the Upper Mississippi River System, UMRS), ongoing geomorphic changes are fundamentally altering the mosaic of riverine habitats, for example by infilling backwaters and impounded areas, and through channel incision and bank erosion downstream from dams.

Improved understanding of ongoing and future changes in hydrogeomorphology – that is, the integrated effects of changes in hydrology and geomorphology – is needed for effective management and restoration of the UMRS. The primary question this project will address is: how, where, and to what degree is the geomorphology of UMRS changing and what changes should be expected in the coming decades? Related supporting questions that may be pursued include:

  1. How do recent and expected future geomorphic changes relate to long-term changes in discharge, frequency of extreme weather events, and changes in catchment land use?
  2. How are ongoing geomorphic changes affected by existing navigation structures (locks and dams, wing dikes, closing structures, revetments, etc. and associated effects on water surface elevation), and ongoing navigation channel operations, (e.g., dredging and dredge spoil placement)?
  3. What are the implications of these geomorphic changes for the future spatial and temporal distributions of habitat conditions such as water depth; floodplain inundation frequency/depth/duration; water residence time in floodplain water bodies; and physical, biological, and chemical properties of the UMRS?

This research will be conducted as part of the Long Term Resource Monitoring element (LTRM) of the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers’ Upper Mississippi River Restoration (UMRR) Program. It will involve collaboration with a diverse group of scientists, natural resource managers and habitat restoration practitioners. We anticipate that the research questions pursued will be co-produced with these program partners. We expect this research will include several of the following approaches: synthesis of previous research; empirical assessment of existing topographic, bathymetric, and land-cover data sets; fluvial geomorphological modelling; and strategic collection and analysis of additional data. Existing data include: 

  1. Systemic topographic (floodplain elevation) and bathymetric (water depth) GIS data that span most of the Upper Mississippi and Illinois Rivers. This systemic data set is a compilation of airborne LiDAR (collected during 2007 and 2011) and bathymetric survey data collected across an extended time period (approximately 1989–2011). Initial pilot studies to refine methods for collecting a second iteration of these topobathymetric data began in FY2024. Work within this research opportunity will inform, and benefit from, the collection of these additional data. 
  2. Land-cover data derived from aerial photography collected at decadal intervals (1989, 2000, 2010/11, 2020 (in progress)). A previous assessment of geomorphic change based on the land-cover data (through 2010) identified and quantified newly exposed land across the UMRS (Rogala et al. 2020a; Van Appledorn and Rogala 2022). Additional understanding of geomorphic change in the UMRS may be derived by similar or new analyses that integrate the 2020 and earlier land-cover data.
  3. Multiple data sets derived from bed-elevation sampling along transects in select backwaters of Navigation Pools 4 and 8, from which rates of sediment accumulation and erosion have been estimated (Rogala et al. 2020b, Van Appledorn and Rogala 2022). Initial analyses of these data found a net increase in elevation across all sampled areas indicating sediment accumulation, but substantial variability existed among and within those transects, including multiple areas of net erosion. Further analysis and modelling based on the existing data, as well as future empirical assessments of the areas represented by these transects, could provide a better understanding of the factors driving the observed spatial variability in sediment accumulation and erosion in backwaters.

Previous, related work includes the development of a conceptual model for geomorphic change of the UMRS, creation of initial maps of potential sensitivity to hydrogeomorphic changes for select areas of the UMRS, and the use of hydroacoustics to quantify geomorphic change in side channels. 

Eventually, comparison of the existing and future topobathymetric data could improve our understanding of how the UMRS has changed and our ability to forecast its future changes. However, the timeline for the collection of a second iteration of systemic data is uncertain and may be several years in the future. In the-short term, novel fluvial geomorphic approaches to analyzing existing topobathymetric (both full-coverage and repeat transects) and decadal land cover data may permit general forecasts of the types of areas where more rapid or greater magnitude bathymetric changes are likely to occur. These forecasts could be tested in select areas through collection and analysis of additional bathymetric data. Additional forecasts may be possible by developing and testing quantitative models that simulate hydrogeomorphic dynamics and sediment fluxes at different spatial and temporal scales. Particularly important is identifying how predicted geomorphic changes will affect the distribution of habitats of management and conservation interest. Together, these approaches would yield insights into the changing geomorphology of this large, coupled floodplain–river system.

Interested applicants are strongly encouraged to contact the Research Advisor(s) early in the application process to discuss project ideas.


Rogala, J.T., Fitzpatrick, F.A., and Hendrickson, J.S. 2020a. Recent planform changes in the Upper Mississippi River. U.S. Geological Survey, LTRM-2019GC8, 33 p. Available upon request from Jeff Houser. 

Rogala, J.T., Kalas, J., and Burdis, R.M. 2020b. Rates and patterns of net sedimentation from 1997–2017 in backwaters of pools 4 and 8 of the Upper Mississippi River. U.S. Geological Survey, LTRM-2018ST4, 23 p. Available upon request from Jeff Houser. 

Strange, J. and J.T. Rogala. 2021.  Using Hydroacoustics to Determine Geomorphic Changes in Select Side Channels of Upper Mississippi River System Pools. LTRM Completion Report. Available upon request from Jeff Houser. 

Van Appledorn, M. and J.T. Rogala 2022, Hydrologic indicators, chap. B of Houser, J.N., ed., Ecological status and trends of the Upper Mississippi and Illinois Rivers. U.S. Geological Survey Open-File Report 2022-1039, https://doi.org/10.3133/ofr20221039.

Proposed Duty Station(s)

La Crosse, Wisconsin

Areas of PhD

Fluvial geomorphology or related fields (candidates holding a Ph.D. in other disciplines, but with extensive knowledge and skills relevant to the Research Opportunity may be considered).


Applicants must meet one of the following qualifications:  Research Geologist or Research Hydrologist.

(This type of research is performed by those who have backgrounds for the occupations stated above.  However, other titles may be applicable depending on the applicant’s background, education, and research proposal. The final classification of the position will be made by the Human Resources specialist.)

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