FEUP - Research Grant - BI_F-CAT via EURAXESS


Porto, Portugal 🇵🇹

Offer Description

1 Research Grant Announcement (M/F)

Call open for applications for a research grant within the framework of Project 2022.03874.PTDC – F-CAT – A catalytic tool for the defluorination of PFAS in drinking water into degradable organics, with DOI 10.54499/2022.03874.PTDC (https://doi.org/10.54499/2022.03874.PTDC), funded by national funds (PIDDAC) through FCT/MCTES   under the following conditions:

Scientific Area: Chemical Engineering or related areas

Admission requirements: Candidates who meet the following requirement may apply for this grant:


– Be a student enrolled in a doctoral program in the area of Chemical Engineering or related areas, a requirement to be duly proven at the time of signing the contract.


– Holder of an academic degree, enrolled in a non-academic degree course integrated in the educational project of a higher education institution, developed in association or cooperation with one or more R&D units, a requirement to be duly proven at the time of signing the contract.

Note: In the case of masters who are enrolled in non-academic degree courses, the scholarship can only be awarded to those who do not exceed, with this scholarship contract, including possible renewals, an accumulated period of two years in that typology of the scholarship, followed or interpolated.

Activity Outline: The work to be developed is part of the objectives of the F-CAT project, which involves the tasks of preparation of heterogenous catalysts, characterization of the prepared materials by physical and chemical techniques. Experiments of oxidation and hydrogenations of halogenated compounds.

Legislation and regulations: Law NÂş. 40/2004, of 18th August, in its current wording (Statutes of Scientific Research Fellow) and Regulation of Research Grants of Fundação para a CiĂŞncia e a Tecnologia, in force ( https://www.fct.pt/apoios/bolsas/regulamento.phtml.pt) and Regulation of Research Grants of University of Porto, in force.

Work place: The work will be developed at the Department of Chemical Engineering of the Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP), under the scientific supervision of Doutora OlĂ­via SalomĂ© Gonçalves Pinto Soares, Doutora Carla Alexandra Orge.

Grant duration: Initial duration of 3 months, with the predicted starting date in november 2024, on an exclusive basis eventually renewable but never exceeding the project duration.

If the recruitment procedures do not allow the grant to last for a minimum of 3 consecutive months, in accordance with paragraph 3 of article 6 of the Research Grant Regulations of the Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P. , the scholarship will not be awarded.

The eventual renewal of the scholarship will be carried out as determined in article 6 of the Research Grants Regulation of the Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P.

Stipend: The grant stipend varies between 1.259,64 € according to the table of values of the grants awarded directly by FCT, I.P. in the Country (https://www.fct.pt/apoios/bolsas/valores

The payment will be made by bank transfer.

Selection procedure: The curriculum of the candidates (60%) will be evaluated based on the merit of the candidate and the following factors will be assessed:

a) Academic training (Master in Chemical Engineering – 10 points; Others Masters – 2 points)

b) Publications in the project area – 5 points, Publications in other areas – 2 points

c) Research Experience in the project area – 5 points; in related areas – 3 points; Other areas – 1 point

The curriculum of each candidate will be evaluated in a 1-20 points scale. Candidates with less than 15 points in the curricular evaluation will not be invited for the interview. 

In the interview (40%) topics related with the work plan, experience and the candidate’s CV will be discussed with the invited candidates. 

If none of the candidates achieves a minimum final score of 20 points, the scholarship will not be awarded.

Selection Jury

President:  Professor Manuel Fernando Ribeiro Pereira

Effective member:  Doutora OlĂ­via SalomĂ© Gonçalves Pinto Soares 

Effective member:  Doutora Carla Alexandra Orge Fonseca

Supplementary member:  Professor Raquel Pinto Rocha 

Supplementary member: Doutora Adrián Manuel Tavares da Silva 

Advertisement of final decision: The results of the evaluation will be released to the candidates

by email to the email address indicated in the application process.

Deadline for applications and form of presentation of the applications

The call is open from 25-10-2024 to 08-11-2024 (until 23h59m, GMT time).

Applications must be formalized by email to osgps@fe.up.pt and to recursoshumanos@fe.up.ptclearly stating the reference FEUP-BI_F-CAT and including the following pdf documents: Motivation letter, Copy of certificates evidencing academic degree (referring the classification of each separated or integrated degree), detailed Curriculum Vitae; Declaration on honor that the candidate fulfills the requirement contained in article 6 of the Regulation for Research Grants of the Foundation for Science and Technology, I.P. (model below, for student enrolled in a non-academic degree course integrated in the educational project of a higher education institution, developed in association or cooperation with one or more R&D units) and other documents considered relevant by the applicant. 

In order to assure that all documents can be read, the preferred saving format is the Portable Document Format (.pdf).

Declaration on honour

I, (identification of the scholarship holder), holder of the Citizen Card / Visa / Residence Permit no. valid until _____, declare under honour, to be in the conditions of no. 5 of article 6Âş of the Research Grants from FCT, IP – Regulation No. 950/2019, of 16 December.

Oporto, __/__/__



(scholarship holder)

Where to apply

E-mail: recursoshumanos@fe.up.pt





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