RFP: Package Work of Flood Control, Soil Erosion Protection and Wadi Training, YEMEN

United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)

Yemen 🇾🇪

Procurement Process

ITB – Invitation to bid




05-Nov-24 @ 07:00 AM (New York time)

Published on

23-Oct-24 @ 12:00 AM (New York time)

Reference Number



Procurement Officer – procurement.yemen@undp.org

This specific tender is managed via the new supplier portal system of UNDP Quantum. If you are interested in submitting a bid for this tender, you must subscribe following the instructions in the user guide. If you have not registered a profile with this system, you can do so by following the link for Supplier Registration.

If you already have a supplier profile, please login to the Supplier Portal, then search for the negotiation using the reference number UNDP-YEM-00374, following the instructions in the user guide.



Lot 1 – Package Work of Flood Control, Soil Erosion Protection and Wadi Training in Taiz Governorates, YEMEN

Lot 2 – Package Work of Flood Control, Soil Erosion Protection and Wadi Training in Lahj Governorates, YEMEN

ITB No:           UNDP-YEM-00374

Project:          Integrated Water Resources Management to Enhance Resilience of Agriculture (ERA) and Food Security

Country:         Yemen


United Nations Development Programme, hereinafter referred to as UNDP hereby invites prospective bidders to submit a bid in accordance with the General Conditions of Contract and the Schedule of Requirements as set out in this Invitation to Bid (ITB) for the above-referenced subject.

To enable you to submit a bid, please read the following attached documents carefully.

Section 1: This Letter of Invitation Section

Section 2: Instructions to Bidders Section

Section 3: Data Sheet

Section 4: Evaluation Criteria  Section

Section 5: Schedule of Requirements

Section 6: Conditions of Contract and Contract Forms Section

Section 7: Bidding Forms:

·       Form A: Bid Confirmation

·       Form B: Checklist

·       Form C: Bid Submission

·       Form D: Bidder Information

·       Form E: Joint Venture/Consortium/Association Information if applicable

·       Form F: Eligibility and Qualification

·       Form G: Technical Bid

·       Form H: Price Schedule

·       Form I: Bid Security

·       Form J: Site Inspection Form

·       UNDP General Terms and Conditions

Below annexes attached separately to the ITB:
Lot 1Flood Control & Soil Erosion Package-Taiz GovLot 2Flood Control & Soil Erosion Package-Lahj Gov
Annex 1– Lot 1-A-Al-Mawaset-Taiz (BOQ and Drawings)Annex 2– Lot 1-B-Al-Selw-Taiz (BOQ and Drawings)Annex-3- Minimum Health and Safety Requirements For ContractorsAnnex 4-Scope of Work (SoW) for Construction of Gabion StructuresAnnex 5 – Scope of Work (SoW) for Construction of Stone Retaining WallsAnnex 6 -Compliance SheetAnnex 7 – Technical Specifications for ERA Project-Flood Control PackageAnnex 1–Lot 2-A-Tuban-Lahj (BOQ and Drawings)Annex 2–Lot 2-B-Al-Musaymer-Lahj (BOQ and Drawings)Annex-3- Minimum Health and Safety Requirements For ContractorsAnnex 4- Scope of Work (SoW) for Construction of Gabion StructuresAnnex 5 – Technical Specifications for ERA Project-Flood Control PackageAnnex 6 – Compliance Technical Specifications Sheet

Note: The above bidding forms and annexes must be completed and submitted along with the bid as applicable. In case the bidder fails to provide these forms with their initial bid, UNDP reserves the right to reject the bid.

UNDP will conduct a Pre-bid conference as follows:

Date:Time:Venue:1pm to 2pm 29 October 2024Sana’a local timeonlinelink: https://teams.microsoft.com/l/meetup-join/19%3ameeting_MjNlN2ZiN2MtMzYxMy00Zjc5LWE1NTEtMGQyNmIxNWY2ZDQx%40thread.v2/0?context=%7b%22Tid%22%3a%22b3e5db5e-2944-4837-99f5-7488ace54319%22%2c%22Oid%22%3a%22a376332b-df12-4ae9-9008-c4f23d0defbe%22%7dDocuments :Negotiation Document(s) (Before Accessing other negotiations Document(s), please click on this link)




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