PhD Stipend in Satellite Data Assimilation and Uncertainty Representation in Hydrology

Aalborg University

Aalborg, Denmark 🇩🇰

At the Technical Faculty of IT and Design, Department of Sustainability and Planning (PLAN), a PhD stipend is available within the general study programme Planning and Development. The stipend is open for appointment from 1 February 2025 or soon hereafter. PLAN conducts research and teaching on development and planning in a broad sense, including social science aspects as well as more technical aspects of development, and with a focus on environmental, international as well as administrative dimensions.


  • ANSØGNINGSFRIST: 30.09.2024
  • REF. NUMMER: 20-24061


Job description

The PhD project is a part of the Villum Young Investigator Programme(YIP) research project“A Novel Synergy of Physics-based and Data-driven Methods for Reliable Hydrological Predictions under Changing Climate” funded by VILLUM FONDEN. The purpose of this YIP project is to develop novel methods to tackle the scientific challenges of the integration of satellite observations with large-scale hydrological model simulations. The goal is to develop a novel synergy between(sequential) Calibration/Data Assimilation(CDA) and machine learning/deep learning methods to better understand hydro-meteorological processes that lead to major flood and droughts under changing climate. The practical focus of this research project is around enhancing the prediction of large-scale flood and drought events under the changing climatic conditions.

The topic of this PhD position is the development of consistent CDA frameworks and improving uncertainty representation of measurements and model simulations. For this, the PhD candidate will work on novel approaches to process and consistently integrate multiple satellite datasets of various spatial and temporal scales within a large-scale hydrological model with the focus on deriving(a) missing links between observed data and model variables that are evidently important to consistently integrate information on water states and fluxes into models, and(b) missing uncertainty information of datasets that is essential to guarantee an optimal weighting between data and model within the CDA system. The goal is to define innovative data-driven(Machine Learning-based) CDA operators that relate the observations to model variables without the need of auxiliary model frameworks.

Profile:The ideal candidate has

  • MSc degree in Geodesy, Civil Engineering, Physics and Meteorology, Applied Mathematics, Computer Science/Engineering, Hydrology, or a comparable discipline. The MSc degree must be equivalent with the Danish MSc degree to qualify(which is 2 years);
  • Profound skills in numerical modelling and programming are essential;
  • Experience with at least two of the following disciplines is desirable:
    • calibration and/or data assimilation
    • machine learning and/or deep learning
    • hydrological and/or land surface models
    • satellite geodetic and/or Earth Observation(EO) data processing;
  • Strong interest in collaborative work;
  • Passionate to present the results in highly ranked peer reviewed scientific journals and at international conferences;
  • Good English skills(oral and written) are required.

We offer:

  • International, interdisciplinary working environment;
  • In-house modelling, data processing and data assimilation expertise, software, and High Performance Computation(HPC) infrastructure;
  • Excellent scientific infrastructure;
  • Participation in project meetings and international conferences;
  • Research stay abroad;
  • Flexible working hours and various opportunities to reconcile work and family life.

To apply, please send the following documents(in English unless indicated, pdf format):

  • Motivation letter(max 1 page) outlining your qualifications and motivation to conduct the PhD project;
  • Project plan(max 2 pages) addressing your understanding of the project’s problem and expected challenges, as well as your ideas to overcome them;
  • CV including a list of scientific outputs(thesis, study projects, papers, etc.) and contact info for two academic references(they will be contacted after shortlisting);
  • Copy of MSc diploma*;
  • Copy of Master thesis(in any language);
  • List of exams with ECTS and grades.

*If you haven’t completed your Master studies at time of submission, please substitute the MSc diploma with a written statement by your supervisor specifying the expected completion date and confirming that you are expected to finish on time and send the most recent draft of your thesis.

You may obtain further information from the Head of research group(Geodesy) Professor Ehsan Forootan concerning the scientific aspects of the stipend.

PhD stipends are allocated to individuals who hold a Master’s degree. PhD stipends are normally for a period of 3 years. It is a prerequisite for allocation of the stipend that the candidate will be enrolled as a PhD student at the Technical Doctoral School of IT and Design in accordance with the regulations of Ministerial Order No. 1039 of August 27, 2013 on the PhD Programme at the Universities and Certain Higher Artistic Educational Institutions. According to the Ministerial Order, the progress of the PhD student shall be assessed at regular points in time.

Shortlisting will be applied. This means that subsequent to the deadline for applications the head of department supported by the chair of the assessment committee will select candidates for assessment. All applicants will be informed whether they will be assessed or not.

For further information about stipends and salary as well as practical issues concerning the application procedure contact Helle Studsgaard Thomsen, The Doctoral School at The Technical Faculty of IT and Design, email:

For more information of The Technical Doctoral School of IT and Design:

The application is only to be submitted online by using the”Apply online” button below.

AAU wishes to reflect the diversity of society and welcomes applications from all qualified candidates regardless of personal background or belief.

Løn og ansættelsesvilkår

Appointment and salary as a PhD fellow are according to the Ministry of Finance Circular of 15 December 2021 on the Collective Agreement for Academics in Denmark, Appendix 5, regarding PhD fellows, and with the current Circular of 11 December 2019 on the employment structure at Danish universities.

Ref. nummer








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