Country: Rwanda
Region and duty station: The envisaged Integrated Mukungwa Wetland and Landscape Restoration Project is located in Musanze District and shared by the four administrative sectors of Rwaza, Gacaca, Muhoza and Muko.
Project / assignment duration: 8 months / TL Input app. 6 months
Estimated project start: October / November 2024
Status: Proposal
Deadline: 30/08/2024
Please contact vacancies(at) to express your interest and to send your CV, preferably in KfW format.
For further details, please, contact Mr. Andreas Havemann, Andreas.Havemann(at), or Ms. Kristin Seeber Kristin.Seeber(at) .
Short project description
The Government of Rwanda (GoR) through Rwanda Environment Management Authority (REMA) – with REMA acting as the National Project Executing Agency (NPEA) – intends to implement the “Integrated Mukungwa Wetland andLandscape Restoration Project” with financial support from KfW through Lake Victoria Basin Commission (LVBC), with LVBC acting as the Project Executing Agency (PEA).
The focus of the project will be the development of Mukungwa Eco-Park and the restoration of its riparian landscape. REMA together with Musanze District intends to design and convert Mukungwa wetland into an urban wetland recreation and eco-tourism park.
The overall project objective is to increase biodiversity, reduce flood and landslide risk and manage water pollution as well as promoting sustainable economic development of the region by means of the development and implementation of a nature reserve and an eco-tourism park.
Detailed requirements
University Degree: (M.Sc. or equivalent) in Civil or Environmental Engineering or equivalent Engineering discipline with special focus on water resources management
Country/Regional experience:
Experience in Rwanda or in the Region is considered advantageous
Excellent communication skills in English language
Expertise/ Profile:
General qualification:
- International Expertise
- Profound professional experience in management of complex projects
- Professional experience as Team Leader of multi-discipline expert teams in the international project context
- Several years of professional experience in the field of IWRM or/and water catchment management in the international project context
Project-specific Qualification and Experience:
- Experience in the preparation and implementation of water management projects, especially surface water bodies
- Experience in Feasibility Studies related to integrated water resources management (IWRM)
- Experience in the development and protection of wetlands is considered advantageous
- Specific knowledge of KfW procedures