University Professorship (W3) “Water Chemistry and Water Technology”

Karlsruhe Institute of Technology

Karlsruhe, Germany 🇩🇪

Job description

The holder of the position will represent the area of water chemistry and water technology in research and academic education. The professorship is associated with Division I – Biology, Chemistry, and Process Engineering, and the KIT Department of Chemical and Process Engineering and is located at the Engler-Bunte Institute (EBI). The holder will also be a member of the collegial institute management of the EBI.

We expect the holder of the professorship to make engineering contributions to fundamental issues of water quality, water treatment and water recycling in both industrial and municipal contexts. Possible research focuses are the provision of water with the necessary quality for the fields of drinking water supply, the process industry and the energy industry (including hydrogen production).  

Furthermore, the development of reactor concepts for hybrid mechanical/biological processes for the treatment of aqueous process streams is to be addressed.

The institute’s staff, resources, and equipment form an excellent basis for the future research of this university professorship in the above-mentioned key topics and other current areas of water chemistry and water technology. The expertise as well as the equipment available at the institute with regard to analytical imaging and trace substance analysis are to be utilized and further developed for addressing issues and new processes in water treatment (e.g. biofouling in membrane processes, use of biofilm reactors or bioelectrochemical systems).

A special feature of this professorship is the potential integration with the “DVGW Research Center at the Engler-Bunte Institute of KIT”, which opens up a wide range of opportunities for scientific and technical cooperation.

You will execute university tasks with a teaching obligation of 9 hours per week per semester.

The teaching duties include courses taught in German and English for the bachelor’s and master’s degree programs in Chemical Engineering and Process Engineering as well as Bioengineering. In particular, the bachelor’s compulsory module “General Chemistry and Chemistry in Aqueous Solutions” and the bachelor’s profile subject “Water Quality and Process Engineering for Water/Wastewater Treatment” are required to be taken over and further developed.  

In the master’s program, contributions are expected also in English on the specialization subjects “Water Technology” and “Environmental Process Engineering” as well as on the international degree program “Water Science and Engineering”.

Personal qualification

Employment is subject to Art. 14, par. (2) of the KIT Act in conjunction with Art. 47 LHG Baden-Württemberg (Act of Baden-Württemberg on Universities and Colleges).

We are looking for an individual who has extensive experience in the listed areas of focus and has an excellent track record of scientific achievements with international visibility or through relevant work in industry. Furthermore, Excellent teaching skills, leadership experience, and ability to work in a team are required. The future Professor is expected to be ready to collaborate across disciplines and to actively participate in academic self-administration.  Engagement and experience in the acquisition of third-party funding for both basic and applied research are desired.

 we offer
Organizational unit

Division I – Biology, Chemistry, and Process Engineering, Engler-Bunte-Institute (EBI), KIT Department of Chemical and Process Engineering

Starting date

1. Oktober 2026 / October 1, 2026

Contract duration


Application up to

September 1, 2024

Contact person in line-management

For further information, please contact Prof. Dr.-Ing. Dimosthenis Trimis, phone: +49 (0)721 608-42570.


Please send your application with the relevant documents (curriculum vitae, list of publications, diplomas/certificates, teaching evaluations, description of previous and planned research and teaching activities, research and teaching concept, description of your own contributions in the above-mentioned areas, acquired third-party funds, statement on scientific honesty), preferably as a single PDF file, to Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Division I – Biology, Chemistry, and Process Engineering, Division Head Professor Dr. Andrea Robitzki c/o Professor Dr.-Ing. Dimosthenis Trimis, Chairman of Appointment Committee, Kaiserstraße 12, 76131 Karlsruhe, Germany via e-mail to

Vacancy number: 1214/2024

We prefer to balance the number of employees (f/m/d). Therefore, we kindly ask female applicants to apply for this job.

Recognized severely disabled persons will be preferred if they are equally qualified.

As a family-friendly university, KIT offers part-time employment, leaves of absence, a dual career service, and coaching to support the work-life balance.

Your personal data will be processed by KIT in accordance with this privacy policy.





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