RFP: Consultancy Services for Development of Micro Watershed for the entire Kwara State

The World Bank

Nigeria 🇳🇬



         Kwara ACReSAL PROJECT

      Copnsultancy Qualification Selection


                   IN KWARA STATE

Consultancy Services for Development of Micro Watershed for the entire Kwara State


The Government of Federal Republic of Nigeria has received a credit from the International Developement Association (IDA) towards the cost of Kwara State Agro- Climatic Resilience in Semi-Arid Landscapes Project (ACReSAL) and it intends to apply part of the proceeds  of this Credit to the payment under the Contract for the Development of Micro-Watershed Management Plan in Kwara State by the Kwara State Project (ACReSAL).

The Agro-climatic Resilience in semi-Arid LandSCAPESProject ACReSAL) has the mandate to increase the adoption of sustainable landscape management practices in targeted watersheds in northern Nigeria and strenghthen Nigeria long-term framework for integrated climate-resilient landscapes management.

The ACReSAL project is targeted in arid to semi-arid states located in the Sahel,Sudan,Guinea Ecosytem, characterized by dry-semi-arid conditions by precipications and sparse vegetative cover.

Component A. Dryland Mansgement:This  component willimplement integrated watershed management planning and addresses challenges of large-scale watershed degradation in northgern Nigeria. It will support the following sub-components:(i)A1. Strategic Watershed Planning A2. Landscape Investments and A3.Special Eco systems.

Component B. Community Climate Resilience.Most of the challenges of dry-land management are to be found at the local level,where they constitute the day-today reality of communities and farmers. Communities needs support to be more resilience and communities and households need targeted investeds to put new approaches into effect.In targeted micro-watersheds, this component will support the following sub-components:C Institutional Strengthening and Project Management

This component includes investments to improve the enabling institutional and policy foundation for multi-sectoral integrated landscape management and climate resilience,as wwell as support to project management. It willinclude the following subcomponents: C1 Institutional and  policy Strenghtening&Project Management.

Component D: Contigent Emergency REsponse, A.Contingent Emergency ResponseComponent (CERC)is a financxing mechanism available to Borrowers in Investment Project Financing(IPF) operations toenable qwuick deployment ofuncommitted funds to respond to an eligible crisis or emergenc. An operations manual will describe in detail the  implementation arrangements for theemergency respone mechanism.

The detailerd Terms of  Reference (TOR) for the services will nbemade availableon request at the address given below:

The State Management Unit (SPMU) now invites eligible Consultant(“Consaultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the services.Interested Consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the services.


The assignment will require a consulting film with requisite experts in Watershed Management Environment/Natural Management and Social Economics.

Types of Consulting Firms

All types of Engineering firms, Environmental and natural Resources as well as Water Resources Management Consultants are eligible to apply for this consultancy project.

Specific Experience of the Consulting Firm for the Assignment

-Experience in Natural resources management

-WRM Pinciples and practices

-Experience in Remote Sensing

-Experience in Geology and Geomorphology

-Experience in Sociology and Rural Economy

-Experience in Landscaping and Architecture

-Experience in community engagement and mobilization

-Experience in Forestry/ Agriculture

-Experience in Biodiversity management

-Experience in similar  assignmenst in Nigeria and have local knowlegde

Ability to speak the local language is an advantage.

General Experience of the Consulting firm for the assignment

-Experience in ptoject design and project management

Staff Minimum Qualification and Experience:

The Team Leader:He/she should possess a minimum of postgraduate qualification s(Master’s Degree) in relevant field of Natural Resources Management,Enronmental/Civil/Agriculture/Water Engineering with minimum of 10 years working experience in extensive management and coordination working in a land water resources management develpoment projects involving substantial land resources management, social, institutional,environmental,and economic components.

Watershed Management Environment/Natural Resource Specialists should have an advanced degree in Natural Resource Management, Environmental Sciences or Agronomy with at least 5 years experience in a widw area of disciplines(ranging from policy

/institutional to technical and effectively interacting  with communities) related to participatory watershed management at basin, sub-basin and national levels and demonstrated experience in design and implementation of participatory watershed management programmes.

Geologist:He/she should possess an advanced degree in agriculture,preferably in geochemistry,geomorphology, environmentat geology with at least 5 years experience.Climate change expert-A degree in geography with a master in the area of clinate change is preferred.

Forestry/Agriculturre Expert:A degree in Agriculture, preferably  with a master in forstry management with relevant years of experience.

Remote Sensing/Georaphical Information Systems Specialist:Minimum of 5 years experience in information technology or equivalent with expertise in modern data services,web programming, open APIs, interractive visualizations and dashboards, interactive documents and geographic information systems.

Environmental specialist:At least a master’s degree in environmental sciences or other related fields with 5 years of relevant experience

Development Economist:At least a pst graduate degree in Economics withy experience in Eaconomics and financial analysis of costs and benefits in natural resources-related projects.

Community Development:At least a post gtaduate degree in communication, psychology, political science and another related field with a postgraduate degree.

The attention ofConsultants is drawn to Section iii, paragraphs,3,14,3.16, and 3.17 of the World Banks Procurement Regulations for Investment Project Financing(IPF) Borrowers” 4th Edition November 2020(‘Procurement Regulation’), setting forth the vWorld Bank’s policy on conflict of interest.

 A  Consultant will be selected in accordance with the Consultant Qualification Selection(CQS) method set out in the Procurement Regulations.

Further information can be obtained at the below during the office hour i.e,0800 to [1600 hours]/

Expression of interest must be delivered in a writen form to the address below in person or by courier mail on or before 12 noon prompt 8th of August 2024.

Kwara State Project Coordinator,

Agro-Climatic Resilience in Semi-Areid Landscapes (ACReSAL)

State Project Management Unit.

No 11, Trinity Road GRA Ilorin 

Kwara State.


Email; kwara,acresal@gmail.com




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