Offer Description
Study of interactions between autochthonous bacteria and allochthonous bacteria released by anthropogenic activities in coastal marine waters and inland waters, with particular attention to the spread of pathogenic and antibiotic-resistant bacteria
Where to apply
Additional Information
Eligibility criteria
Master’s degree in Natural Sciences, Biological Sciences, Environmental Sciences, Geological Sciences, Forestry Sciences, Chemistry, Computer Science, Environmental and Territorial Engineering, Computer Engineering, Biotechnology (all specializations), or Veterinary Medicine (all degrees obtained abroad (Bachelor’s degree, Doctorate, and any other degrees) must generally be previously recognized in Italy according to the current legislation (information available at Required experience in: bioinformatic analysis of aquatic microbiomes through metagenomic data analysis, environmental sampling, and laboratory work in molecular biology, knowledge of the English language; knowledge of the Italian language (only for foreign candidates).
Eligible destination country/ies for fellows:
- Italy
Eligibility of fellows: country/ies of residence:
Eligibility of fellows: nationality/ies:
Selection process
The examining committee proceed to the selection of the candidates by an evaluation of titles and by an interview. The examining committee has a total scoring of 100, 70 for the evaluation of the titles and 30 for the interview. To participate to the interview, the candidates should have at least 35/70 from the evaluation of the titles. Only the candidates with a minimum of 21/30 score after the interview will be included in the rank
Website for additional job details: