Aalto University
Improved understanding of the dynamics and processes of water, sediment, vegetation, nutrients, harmful substances, and fish habitat use is critical for sustainable river management. River and floodplain vegetation sets a critical control on the flow of water and substances, as well as providing essential habitats. Improved hydrodynamic modeling capability with upscaling using remote sensing methods is highly relevant for flood and water quality predictions under changing climatic and hydrologic conditions.
PhD project description
The primary objective of this research is to investigate how model predictions on flow velocity distributions, water stages, transport of substances, and fish habitat use can be improved for nature-based solutions (NBS). To support the optimal design and management of rivers and engineered channels, the research will focus on physically based determination of flow resistance in vegetated flows on different scales. The work is methodologically based on laboratory flume experiments and/or field investigations, and modelling incorporating remotely sensed data. Proposed measurement techniques include lidar, drone-based surveys, and tracer experiments. Field sites with background information are available for upscaling. The research infrastructure of the Aalto Environmental Hydraulics Lab is available for this project (
This research links to DIWA Task 1.3 Surface water processes and environment: “A comprehensive understanding of flooding, water quality (nutrients and carbon) concentrations and fluxes, river system geomorphology, and sediment transport is gained from different land use regions, i.e. from a natural state to regulated rivers, managed lands and urbanized catchments.” In addition, the project contributes to Task 3.2: Dynamic simulation models.
Work will be done in WAT/Aalto (Water and Environmental Engineering | Aalto University Collaboration/secondment with Finnish Environment Institute (Syke) and Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke).
Link to DIWA research theme
Tasks 1.3 and 3.2
Link to PhD pilot Key research area
River systems, regulation, and management
Specific requirements
Applicants must have a completed (or a nearly completed) Master of Science degree in a related field (engineering or natural sciences). Knowledge of environmental hydraulics or fluid mechanics in fluvial environments is required. Proficiency in experimental methods (e.g. laboratory flume investigations and ground-based validation of remote sensing applications) is considered an asset. Good oral and written proficiency in English is expected, with experience in scientific writing appreciated.
Finnish Environment Institute (Syke), Natural Resources Institute Finland (Luke).
Dept./Faculty to which the thesis belongs
Water and Environmental Engineering / Department of Built Environment / School of Engineering / Aalto University
Principal supervisor
Dr. Juha Järvelä
2nd supervisor
3rd supervisor
Secondment host
Dr. Kaisa Västilä
More information & application
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