About the job
the doctoral scholarship proposed by CNR-IRSA is part of the joint call Water4All project “MegaWat
– Megadroughts in the Water towers of Europe – from process understanding to strategies for management and adaptation”. The project whose leader is the Institute of Science and Technology Austria (ISTA), aims at investigating the role of the cryosphere on water resource availability in a context of climate change. The specific activities of CNR-IRSA, within which the proposed PhD will take place, include the study of the accumulation, melting and infiltration processes of the snowpack as buffer for water resources recharge at both seasonal and inter-annual scale
Contact and support for the application @CNR-IRSA
Emanuele Romano: emanuele.romano@cnr.it
Nicolas Guyennon: nicolas.guyennon@irsa.cnr.it
Contact @Roma Tre
Aldo Fiori: aldo.fiori@uniroma3.it
Elena Volpi: elena.volpi@uniroma3.it