Offer Description
The Institute of Hydrology (Slovak Academy of Sciences) offers fully funded PhD positions in study program Water Resources Engineering. The Institute of Hydrology (Slovak Academy of Sciences) is an external educational institution of the Faculty of Civil Engineering (Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava).
Available topics:
Influence of green infrastructure on runoff regime of an urbanized catchment
Supervisor: doc. Ing. Marek Sokáč, PhD., e-mail:
Annotation: One of the promising technologies for the reduction and retention of runoff in urbanized areas is green infrastructure (e.g. green roofs), which, thanks to its hydrological function in the urbanized area, has a great ability to reduce and retain the surface runoff. This ability can be one of the decisive factors for the sustainable development of cities, especially in connection with the predicted climate change. However, the possible extent of the application of green infrastructure in the typical conditions of Slovak cities and the real impacts of the application of this technology on the runoff regime of the urbanized watershed, or other environmental impacts, remains a problematic point.
The task of the work will be the quantification of the impact of green infrastructure on the runoff regime of the urbanized basin, as well as the possible use of rainwater as an additional source of useful water in the urbanized area. Another goal will be to investigate the impacts of climate change on the hydrological regime of the urban catchments, including an analysis of the extent to which it is possible to mitigate the impacts of extreme climatic events (resulting from predicted climate changes) in urbanized areas by means of the implementation of green infrastructure. This goal is related to the question of whether, in addition to green infrastructure, it is necessary to consider other measures in order to achieve the balance and efficiency of investments with regard to their effect. As part of the research, it is assumed that several case studies will be developed on real urbanized areas in the Slovak Republic.
Modelling of pollution spreading in surface waters
Supervisor: doc. Ing. Marek Sokáč, PhD., e-mail:
Annotation: The aim of this work is to evaluate the possibilities, shortcomings of the current level of knowledge solving the qualitative problems of surface streams, with particular attention to the hydrodynamic approach of the dispersion solution in the surface streams and to the analysis of the available dispersion models. The result of the work is to analyze the results of numerical simulations under the same conditions on the simulated streams using 1D and 2D models, applying different numerical schemes, methods and different dispersion rates, as well as analyzing the results of numerical simulations in different model situations on flow (flow rates, maximum flow rates, different types of outlets), influence of vegetation growth in stream, influence of different singularities (weirs, reservoirs, flow barriers, etc.) on the dispersion process.
Part of the work may also include determining the location of the pollution discharge (inverse – localization task). It is a task where the time courses of the pollutant concentration in the cross-flow profile are known, but the pollutant discharge point is unknown.
Dependence of groundwater level oscillation and surface water level in surrounding streams
Supervisor: doc. Ing. Yvetta Velísková, PhD., e-mail:
Annotation: Study of surface water and groundwater interaction requires knowledge both in surface water and groundwater flow principles. Their mutual influence is very significant, especially in the conditions of flat areas. The work will solve the problem of mutual interaction of the level regime of surface and groundwater in the application of progressive methods and tools of statistical analysis, as well as the application of hydrodynamic simulation models. It is assumed that the solution of the problem will focus on selected wetland region or floodplain forest or other area with a system of surface streams / channels. Research can include both quantitative and qualitative aspects of the problem.
Impact of stream parameters on pollution spreading in surface streams
Supervisor: doc. Ing. Yvetta Velísková, PhD., e-mail:
Annotation: Minimization of pollution, respectively elimination of pollution from surface streams is still an ongoing issue that needs to be addressed. Changes of hydro-morphological and hydraulic parameters of streams affect the process of pollution transport in surface streams. The aim of the thesis will be to determine the extent rate of these parameters to the pollution spreading. Simulation models are a very useful tool for solving these challenges – they allow to evaluate various situations of spreading of contaminants in the rivers (from everyday wastewater disposal through the fatal discharges of the toxic substances) without immediate destructive impact to the environment. However, field measurements for obtaining model inputs will be a part of works, as well.
Mitigating the impact of climate change on soil water storage by using a biochar
Supervisor: Ing. Justína Vitková, PhD., e-mail:
Annotation: Increasingly frequent extreme weather events have a significant impact on soil water storage. In the summer months, more and more of our country, and therefore farmland, is exposed to prolonged droughts; in the winter months, on the other hand, we see snow cover only at the highest altitudes, while air temperatures often do not fall below 0 °C for long periods. These signs of climate change have an impact on soil water storage, which in turn affects the quality and quantity of agricultural crops. Domestic and international studies show that biochar is one of the possible tools that can help mitigate and adapt to ongoing climate change. The aim of this work is to investigate the retention and hydrophysical properties of a low organic sandy soil and to compare them with the changes in these properties after biochar application. The data measured in the laboratory will be verified with the results under field conditions. Soil water storage will be monitored at different depths under field conditions, both because of the movement of biochar in the vertical direction, but also in terms of the accessibility of soil water to the plant root system.
For each topic, one student as maximum can be accepted. The study program is full-time, 4-years, the students will receive stipendium from the Institute of Hydrology SAS and there is a possibility of accommodation in the facilities of the Slovak Academy of Sciences.
For additional research information please contact the supervisors of the topics via e-mail.
Information on the admission procedure, conditions for applying and fees can be found on the web page and linked web pages of the Slovak University of Technology.
Research FieldEngineering » Water resources engineeringEducation LevelMaster Degree or equivalent
- MSc degree (or equivalent) in Water Resources Engineering, Hydrology or in a related field is required.
- Proficiency in English is required.
- Knowledge of Slovak language is not required.