Specialist in Monitoring and Evaluation

United Nations Environment Programme (UN Environment)

Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic 🇩🇴

Result of Service
The objective of this consultancy is contributing to the efficient implementation of the project “Building capacity to advance National Adaptation Plan Process in the Dominican Republic” by executing the tasks outlined in the Terms of Reference.

The Specialist in Monitoring and Evaluation will contribute to the effective implementation of the project by guaranteeing that the following tasks integrate the gender mainstreaming:

a. Carry out a work plan containing: (i) methodological description, (ii) work schedule that details the deadlines for the development of the corresponding activities and deliveries of each monthly report.

b. Carry out a mapping of the relevant actors involved in the implementation and review of the PNACC and the NDC-RD 2020, for their incorporation into participatory processes.

c. Carry out two (2) consultation workshops with relevant stakeholders to gather key information for the development of the M&E system and the identification of existing information sources, systems and needs, barriers to the implementation of a M&E system of adaptation and practices and indicators of initiatives, programs, projects or specific adaptation measures that are in the execution or planning stage, considering: the PNACC-RD, the NDC-RD 2020, its action plan and the National Strategy for Development 2030, as well as sectoral plans and priorities..

d. Prepare a baseline report that contains information on the regulatory framework, actors, sources and existing information systems, gaps and needs (considering the reporting requirements of international conventions and agreements as well as national and sectoral plans and strategies), and barriers to the implementation of an M&E system for adaptation measures. The identification of these measures will serve as the basis for the M&E system.

e. Design the M&E System for adaptation measures contemplated in the PNACC and the NDC-RD 2020, which contains at least the following elements: (i) objectives, (ii) baseline, (iii) medium and long-term goals for the adaptation measures (iii) indicators, including indicators of compliance rate of projects of adaptation measures and percentage of budget invested/executed among others (iv) implementation costs (v) data collection, analysis and communication methodology (vi) institutional arrangements needed for its implementation, (vii) recommendations for implementation.

f. Carry out one (1) socialization and feedback workshop of the proposed M&E System to strengthen the proposal based on the comments of relevant stakeholders.

g. Develop a methodology to train the technical team of government institutions and other relevant stakeholders on the implementation and functioning of the M&E System and its use as a decision-making tool for adaptive management. At a minimum this should include: the use and updating of the M&E system, data collection and processing for the same system, data analysis, creation of data visualization such as dashboards, lessons learned and considerations for the evaluation process, and decision making for adaptive management. This methodology must be systematized in a guide in Microsoft Word (.docx) format that contains guidelines and/or instructions for all the stages/phases and steps, activities, required inputs, and corresponding products.

h. Carry out technical training for representatives of central government institutions, local governments, and other relevant actors to implement the M&E system of adaptation measures of the prioritized sectors in the PNACC-RD and the NDC- RD 2020.

i. Develop a technical report for the periodic review (every two years) of the measures contemplated in the PNACC-RD and the NDC-RD 2020, including the financing strategy. Based on i) updated climate information; ii) vulnerabilities, opportunities and updated socioeconomic plans; iii) lessons learned regarding adaptation planning (at legal, political and institutional levels); iii) lessons learned regarding the implementation of adaptation measures on the ground (for iii and iv both at the national and international levels).

j. Carry out other tasks inherent to the objectives of the position, as indicated by UNEP.

Work Location
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.

Expected duration

Duties and Responsibilities
The United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) is the United Nations system’s designated entity for addressing environmental issues at the global and regional level. Its mandate is to coordinate the development of environmental policy consensus by keeping the global environment under review and bringing emerging issues to the attention of governments and the international community for action.

The UNEP Latin America and the Caribbean Office (LACO), located in Panama City, works closely with the 33 countries of the region and its activities are integrated into the Medium-Term Strategy and the Programme of Work approved by the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA).

In terms of addressing climate change, UNEP aims to support countries in the compliance of the objectives of the Paris Agreement and the priority actions defined in the countries Nationally Determined Contributions.

The overall objective of UNEP´s Sub-programme on Climate Change is to strengthen the ability of countries to move towards climate-resilient and low emission strategies for sustainable development and human well-being. The expected accomplishment regarding climate change adaptation is that adaptation approaches, including an ecosystem-based approach, are implemented, and integrated into key sectoral and national development strategies to reduce vulnerability and strengthen resilience to climate change impacts. Furthermore, the UNEP´s Sub-programme on Climate Change is also committed to ensure that crosscutting issues such as gender equity and women empowerment are effectively undertaken in the development of its tasks to guarantee an equitable development in line with its adaptation objectives.

In this context, the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources (MMARN) of the Dominican Republic and UNEP, have agreed on the implementation of the project Building capacity to advance in the National Adaptation Plan Process in the Dominican Republic, framed within the Readiness program of the Green Climate Fund.

To fulfill the objectives of the project, the UNEP LACO Office is recruiting a Specialist in Monitoring and Evaluation to collaborate with the Ministry of the Environment and Natural Resources and UNEP in the implementation of the Green Climate Fund funded project as set in the funding proposal document.

The main objective of the consultancy is to formulate a Monitoring and Evaluation system for adaptation measures of the economic sectors prioritized in the National Adaptation Plan (PNACC) and the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC-RD 2020), and strengthen the technical capacity of central government institutions, local governments, the private sector, civil society, and other relevant actors.

The Specialist in Monitoring and Evaluation will operate under the overall supervision of the UNEP Adaptation Programme Officer at the UNEP Latin America and the Caribbean Office. Additionally, he/she will work in close collaboration with the UNEP’s Adaptation team, the Directorate of Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation (DAyMCC) of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources in the Dominican Republic, other national consultants and government and non-governmental counterparts. Travel within the Dominican Republic might be needed for consultation processes.

The Specialist in Monitoring and Evaluation is expected to work 40 hours per week, from Monday to Friday, full time, and to be located in the Project Management Unit in the Climate Change Directorate of the Ministry of Environment and Natural Resources In Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic.

Qualifications/special skills

  • Bachelor’s degree in environmental management, environmental sciences, social sciences, political sciences, engineering, development, law, international relations or a closely related field is required.
  • Master’s degree in monitoring and evaluation, environmental management, engineering, planning, natural sciences or sustainable development is desired.


  • At least three (3) years of relevant working experience in Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E), results-based management, development and/or natural resource management, and/or climate change adaptation is required.
  • Understanding and experience in application of climate impact measurement methodologies, especially in the area of adaptation is desired.
  • Experience in the design or implementation of monitoring and evaluation systems, preferably for public sector climate change adaptation and/or environmental management programs and projects is desired.
  • Experience in identifying and/or designing indicators for monitoring programs, plans and projects at the national or sectoral level is desired.
  • Demonstrably sound knowledge of M&E methodologies and approaches and experience in designing and implementing M&E systems and procedures from project initiation to closeout stages is desired.
  • Experience in projects related to at least one of the following topics: climate change adaptation, disaster risk reduction, urban resilience, nature-based solutions, environmental management is desired.
  • Demonstrated experience working with national institutions in climate change and the coordination of activities at the national, subnational and/or sectoral level is desired.
  • Experience in inclusion of vulnerable populations, gender considerations, and work with regional or institutions is an advantage.
  • Experience in organizational learning, knowledge management, social sciences, monitoring and evaluation and related fields is an advantage.
  • Experience with international organizations is an advantage.


  • Fluent in Spanish is required.
  • Confident in English is required.


  • Excellent political, advisory and facilitation skills. Ability to facilitate technical discussions and participatory processes with multiple stakeholders in multicultural environments.
  • Demonstrated understanding of development planning and the ability to apply to strategic and/or practical situations.
  • Ability to communicate complex issues in a language and format that is appropriate to specific target audiences.
  • Familiarity with key communication tools and techniques, such as audience segmentation, behavior change theories, and visual storytelling.
  • Excellent writing, editing, and storytelling skills, with the ability to adapt content for different audiences and platforms.
  • Results-driven and initiative-taking behavior.


  • Professionalism: Ability to apply knowledge of various United Nations administrative, financial and human resources rules and regulations in work situations. He/she shows pride in work and in achievements; is conscientious and efficient in meeting commitments, observing deadlines and achieving results; shows persistence when faced with difficult problems or challenges; remains calm in stressful situations. Establishes and maintains productive partnerships with clients by gaining their trust and respect; identifies clients’ needs and matches them to appropriate solutions.
  • Communication: Speaks and writes clearly and effectively; listens to others, correctly interprets messages from others and responds appropriately; asks questions to clarify and exhibits interest in having two-way communication; tailors’ language, tone, style and format to match audience; demonstrates openness in sharing information and keeping people informed.
  • Teamwork: Is able to work effectively as part of a multidisciplinary team to achieve organizational goals and to take leadership when appropriate; solicits input by genuinely valuing others’ ideas and expertise; is willing to learn from others; places team agenda before personal agenda; supports and acts in accordance with final group decision, even when such decisions may not entirely reflect own position; shares credit for team accomplishments and accepts joint responsibility for team shortcomings.
  • Planning and Organizing: Develops clear goals that are consistent with agreed strategies; identifies priority activities and assignments; adjusts priorities as required; allocates appropriate amount of time and resources for completing work; foresees risks and allows for contingencies when planning; monitors and adjusts plans and actions as necessary; uses time efficiently.

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