Expertise: Water Supply, Urban Development, Economics, and Financial Analysis
Expertise Group: Economics/Financial Analysis
Consultant Source: International
TOR Keywords: Water Supply, Urban Development, Economics, and Financial Analysis
Objective and Purpose of the Assignment
The impact of the Project was to expand access to sustainable and safe water supply services for the
urban population in Cambodia. To achieve the outcome, the Project had the following four outputs: (i)
existing water supply systems improved in seven towns; (ii) new water supply system provided for Stung
Treng; (iii) water supply coverage increased in Siem Reap; and (iv) project Implementation supported,
and O&M developed. The total Project cost was estimated at $37.4 million equivalent. The Asian
Development Bank (ADB) financed $34.0 million equivalent from Asian Development Fund (ADF). The
remaining $3.4 million equivalent was financed by the Government.
The Ministry of Industry, Science, Technology, and Innovation (MISTI) was the executing agency (EA) and
its project management unit (PMU) was responsible for overall execution and coordination of the Project.
The Siem Reap Water Supply Authority (SRWSA) was the implementing agency (IA) for the Siem Reap
The Loan for the Project was approved on 11 December 2014 and was declared effective on 16 June 2015.
The project was physically completed in December 2022 and is expected to be financially closed by end
April 2023 as originally scheduled.
The objectives of the assignment are to review overall performance of project implementation, and to
evaluate outputs and outcome of the ADB supported components of the project. The consultant, an
Urban/Water Specialist, will be engaged to assist in the preparation of a project completion report
(PCR) for the Loan 3232-CAM: Urban Water Supply Project.
Scope of Work
The consultant will assess the relevance of the projects’ design and formulation, evaluate the
implementation arrangements, carry out the economic and financial analyses, and conduct preliminary
assessment of sustainability for the project. The consultant will also assist the project team in the
preparation of the draft and final PCR.
Detailed Tasks and/or Expected Output
The consultant should have experience in project evaluation, particularly in the urban sector. The
consultant should be aware of ADB’s requirements for the preparation of PCR, and will carry out the
following tasks:
Required tasks in his/her home basis.
(i) Review available reports, studies, and plans, and gather all data relevant for the evaluation prior
arrival in Cambodia. Relevant documents will include, but not limited to, the following: (a) Report and
Recommendation of the President (RRP) and its appendixes and supplementary appendixes including design
and monitoring framework, detailed cost estimates, economic analysis; (b) EA’s and the implementation
consultant’s progress reports provided to ADB; and (d) guideline for developing ADB’s PCR.
(ii) Produce the necessary financial and economic reevaluation inputs along with the necessary analysis
of appraisal (pre-project) and completion (post-project) conditions.
(iii) Review issues affecting project implementation, such as delays in implementation, determine causes
and key factors of these issues, and how they could have been avoided.
(iv) Assess compliance with financial reporting requirements, including audited financial statements,
and the loan covenants.
(v) Assess progress monitoring activities of the EA/IA and ADB, and performance of the monitoring and
evaluation system.
Required tasks in Cambodia.
(i) Participate in the PCR mission to Phnom Penh and other provinces covered by the project.
(ii) Work with MISTI–PMU’s safeguards (environment and social) and gender specialists in the evaluation
of the project’s safeguards and gender performance for the PCR.
(iii) Conduct consultations and/or interviews with the EA, IAs, and other stakeholders considered
(iv) Assist the ADB’s mission in evaluating the project performance which include (a) the relevance of
the project design and the impacts of changes of the Project during the implementation of the Project,
(b) effectiveness in achieving outcome, (c) efficiency in achieving outcome and outputs, (d) preliminary
assessment of sustainability, and (e) project impact.
(v) Assist the ADB’s mission in overall assessment and recommendations and provide relevant inputs to
the Mission’s Memorandum of Understanding.
Required tasks in his/her home basis after field assignment in Cambodia.
(i) With the assistance of ADB’s mission, update the project costs and financing data and assess the
adequacy of counterpart funds, disbursements, project schedule, implementation arrangements, consultant
recruitment and procurement.
(ii) Assist in preparing the PCR, including but not limited to (a) evaluating achievement of project
objective against targets, (b) assessing the project based on relevance, efficacy, and sustainability,
and (c) identifying lessons learned.
(iii) Assist and provide relevant inputs in the preparation of the draft PCR for ADB interdepartmental
(iv) Assist and provide relevant inputs in the preparation of the final PCR.
(v) Carry out other tasks as assigned by the Project Team Leader.
Minimum Qualification Requirements
The Urban/Water Specialist is required to have: (i) a degree in Economics or equivalent qualification
from a recognized tertiary institution; (ii) at least 15 years of relevant experience; and (iii)
willingness to undertake site visit(s) within the provinces in Cambodia covered by the project.
Minimum General Experience: 15 Years
Minimum Specific Experience (relevant to assignment): 15 Years