Iraq is one of the most vulnerable countries to climate change impacts. Recent years have seen an increase in temperatures above 55 degree Celsius, more intense and frequent drought spells, a decrease in the precipitation level by 50%, and higher evaporation rates. Iraq’s 2020-2021 rainfall season was the second driest in 40 years, caused a reduction of water flow in Tigris and Euphrates by 29% and 73% respectively and led to decrease in water quantity and increase water salinity. Climatic changes, especially the drastic decrease in the annual rate of rain fall, in addition to the environmental changes, such as drying of the marshes, land degradation, and desertification also make Iraq as one of the most affected countries in the Middle East concerning the occurrences of sand and dust storms.
Climate variability and increased frequency of extreme conditions associated with climate change present significant challenges and opportunities for the achievement of Iraq national development objectives. Against this background, Iraq is committed to combat climate change and foster the transition towards green economy. It has ratified the Paris Agreement on Climate Change and formulated the Nationally Determined Contributions in order to meet its commitment towards the Agreement.
In this context, it is critical to fully understand how changing climate is likely to affect socio-economic sectors and policies now and in the future, and how climate change will influence achieving development targets, in order to strategize risk mitigation and best utilize emerging opportunities. Under the Catalytic Climate Action project in Iraq supported by the United Kingdom and Canada, the Government of Iraq is embarking on Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment in order to determine the degree of vulnerability to climate change, identify opportunities that exist to reduce these vulnerabilities and inform adaptation planning. This work will support integration of climate considerations into national and local strategic development planning process, help gauge the capacity for adaptation measures in Iraq to effectively reduce vulnerability, enhance adaptive capacity and build resilience.
Objective of the Assignment:
The main goal of the study is to prepare Climate Vulnerability Index data and mapping for Iraq up to governorates level (and districts level, where feasible), and for the key socio-economic sectors, along with case studies.
The International Consultant will work together with the National Expert to:
- Downscale climate models (RCP 2.6, RCP 4.5, RCP 6.0, and RCP 8.5) at least at governorates level (if possible, at districts level) in Iraq.
- Analyze exposures of climate variabilities (temperature, precipitation, sea level rise) and changes (2006-2100) at governorates level (and districts level, where feasible).
- Understand and identify historical and projected climate vulnerabilities of land, ground and surface water resources (with specific focus on Marshlands) and risks for the key socio-economic sectors (agriculture, fishery, energy infrastructures/facilities, cities, transportation, Industry (SMEs), physical Infrastructure, etc.)
- Identify the most vulnerable areas/regions and population groups that are most critical.
Evaluate climate risks to inform policymaking.
Duties and Responsibilities
As part of the support to implement the Nationally Determined Contributions and also in response to the growing extreme events such as drought, sandstorms, water scarcity, the Government seeks to prepare a Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment in order to determine land, surface and groundwater at risk to inform adaptation planning, targets and actions.
The main work will be to prepare spatial maps showing the CVI for federal/ provincial/district/city levels in Iraq and for key sectors including land, ground and surface water resources.
Therefore, the specific duties of the consultant include:
- Develop a quantitative mathematical climate vulnerability index methodology (customizing IPCC methodology in the context of Iraq) based on possible downscaling climate change datasets and available secondary data (social, environmental, economic).
- Downscale the climatic data, using relevant global and/or regional Representative Concentration Pathways models at governorates levels.
- Analyze the CVI following the climatic events, exposure, sensitivity, and adaptive capacity of land, ground and surface water resources up to the governorates and districts levels and for key socio-economic sectors.
- Prepare maps for CVI to figure out areas with high vulnerability and low vulnerability zones.
The Climate Vulnerability assessment should include -but not limited to- the following activities:
- Qualify existing climatic and non-climatic conditions at the different geographical levels, including past experiences with extreme events, historical climate sensitivity vulnerability thresholds, etc.;
- Contribute to assess frequency and magnitude of future climate change hazards using modelling, and based on specific climatic indices;
- Based on the validated indicators, contribute to assess the degree to which the bio-physical and the social, infrastructural, economic, and environmental components may be affected by the climate change hazards (demonstrative case studies should be included);
- Contribute to assess the ability of the system/community to withstand negative impacts and adjust to changing climatic conditions;
- Contribute to apply GIS and remote sensing to map the climate vulnerabilities at the governorates and districts level.
- Based on extensive consultations and discussions with concerned stakeholders, propose a set of priority adaptation measures.
- Sr.DeliverablesNumber of DaysExpected DeadlinesPayment Percentage (%)Location1Inception report that details index methodology, data mapping, sources of data, data plan and index matrix1015th March 202310%Home-based2Situation Analysis Reportregarding governorates level (and districts level, where feasible), and key socio-economic sectors1515th April20 %Home-based3Draft technical report on the climate vulnerability assessment2515th May25%Home-based4Final Report, Index Tables and Maps251st of August 202320%Home-based5National validation Workshop on the Climate Risk and Vulnerability Assessment Report 51st of September15%Baghdad6Final Climate Vulnerability Report with recommendations on priority adaptation measures, in coordination with the national expert2015th September 10 %Home-based Total100 100%Home-based *N.B Travel and accommodation:UNDP will cover the travels costs of the consultant as per the actual expenses based on submitted receipts. UNDP will pay DSA to cover the accommodation and food expenses of the consultant in Iraq.
- The activities will include a combination of home-based and field travel in Iraq, if necessary. The activities are expected to be carried-out between 1st March 2023 to 30th Sep 2023.
- The assignment is commissioned by UNDP Iraq’s Energy, Environment and Climate Change Pillar (EECC). The National Consultant will report to the Project Manager of the Catalytic Climate Action in Iraq Project. The Project Manager will serve as the focal point to provide both substantive and logistical support to the Consultant/s. Assistance will be provided by the PM to refine the work plan of selected Consultant/s (i.e. coordination with stakeholders, access to relevant documents, coordination and organization of interviews and field visits etc).This TOR shall be the basis for assessment of the compliance of selected Consultant to the assignment requirements. As part of the assignment:UNDP will provide logistical support and cover the relevant costUNDP will facilitate coordination with national stakeholders and hosting of meetings and online consultation sessions if neededSupport with security clearances and travel protocols in Iraq
- The Evaluation Consultant is expected to:
- Bring her/his own laptop, and other relevant software/equipment.
- use her/his own mobile and personal email address during the consultancy period, including when in-country.
- make her/his own travel arrangements and make transportation arrangements outside work hours.
- Technical Proposal
Criteria | Scores (Maximum 100 points) |
Work experience in comprehensiveness knowledge and expertise on climate change vulnerabilities, GIS, and environmental works | 40 |
Strong expertise and experience with the use of UNFCCC, IPCC methodologies for vulnerability assessments and adaptation. | 20 |
Technical proposal of the recommended methodology for the climate vulnerability assessment in Iraq | 40 |
- Financial Proposal
Please to fill the financial proposal template
This section presents additional documents to facilitate the proposal preparation by the Consultant.
The candidate should submit as part of evaluation:
1. CV
2. Technical proposal
3. Financial proposal
Corporate Competencies
- Demonstrates commitment to the UN’s values and ethical standards.
- Promotes the mission, vision and strategic goals of UNDP.
- Displays cultural, gender, religion, race, nationality and age sensitivity and adaptability.
- Treats all people fairly and with impartiality.
Functional Competencies
- Consistently approaches work with energy and a positive, constructive attitude.
- Identifies priorities, allocates time and resources, foresees risks and allows for contingencies.
- Ability to work under pressure and to meet deadlines.
- Demonstrates excellent oral and written communication skills.
- Demonstrates openness to change and ability to manage complexities.
- Self-reliant and able to work as a part of a multi-cultural team in a stressful.
- Establishes and maintains productive partnerships with clients by gaining their trust and respect.
Required Skills and Experience
Minimum Masters’ degree in Earth, Environment and Social Sciences (geography, geology, meteorology, climatology, atmospheric physics/chemistry, Environmental Studies/Science, Soil Science, Urban/Rural Planning, Environmental Economics).
In addition, the Consultant must possess the relevant competencies listed below.
Work Experience
- Minimum 10 years professional (academic, development, government, NGOs and consultancy) experience in environment/climate change fields
- Minimum 2 assignment as lead expert on downscaling climate models and statistical and GIS based models
- Minimum 2 practical work and demonstrated expertise in Digital Elevation Modelling/ Climate Downscaling/ Statistical Modelling/scenario development.
- At least proven work related to climate vulnerability assessment/index based on climatic, environmental and socio-economic variables
- Language: Fluency in spoken and written English.
Important note:
Submitting to the above position will be through Quantum, the candidate should register first in Quantum.
Below is the Link for advertisement at UNDP website.
Please visit the below link, you will find ll related documents for this position.