Water for life (consultancy/training): Workshop for Multiple-Stakeholder Partnership (MSP) members to increase the transparency and representation within its governance structure, in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia
For over hundred and twenty years, NABU (The Nature and Biodiversity Conservation Union) has been promoting the interests of people and nature, drawing on its unwavering commitment, specialised know-how and the backing of 900,000 members and supporters. NABU is Germany’s oldest and largest conservation NGO with its headquarter in the capital and 15 regional branch offices in almost every federal state of Germany. 2,000 volunteer groups around the country support NABU’s work.
For many years, our association has also been internationally active, particularly in Africa, the Caucasus and Asia. Since 2010 NABU Ethiopia is registered as an NGO (formerly registered as international, and currently as national NGO), and has since gained a wide-ranging experience in the implementation of projects in the country. NABU Ethiopia’s core expertise covers planning and establishment of UNESCO biosphere reserves, adaptation to climate change, reforestation and forest management including participatory forest and wetland management, sustainable regional development for livelihood improvement and capacity building at government and community level.
The Water for Life project has promoted since 2019 the formation and establishment of a Multiple-Stakeholder Partnership (MSP) in the Lake Tana Watershed, in the Amhara region (Ethiopia), with the main objective to connect and ally actors to ensure long-term access to safe drinking water, functional ecosystem services and sustainable sources of income in the Lake Tana Watershed. The already established MSP has a complete governance structure and counts with over 300 cross-sectorial members.
To guarantee that the MSP members are fully representing all relevant stakeholders and sectors in the region (especially women, minorities, and youth), at all levels at the governance structure, an approach shall be undertaken to increase the community engagement and transparency within the partnership.
NABU Ethiopia is therefore seeking an expert or a team of experts for conducting a 5 days’ workshop in Bahir Dar, Ethiopia, including a practical implementation of the theory to increase the presence and engagement of under-represented groups in the MSP.
You may request the Terms of Reference for the assignment by writing to vacancy@NABU.de
Please send your offer electronically by February 27th 2023 to vacancy@NABU.de
For questions, please contact Ms. Waldmann at Beatriz.Waldmann@NABU.de or +49 (0)30. 28 49 84 -1718.
Your offer should not exceed 10 pages and needs to include the proposed experts’ CVs and financial proposal.
More information about the project: https://en.nabu.de/topics/regional-development/water-for-life/index.html