Research Fellow in Multi-Hazards

University of Strathclyde

Glasgow, UK 🇬🇧

Faculty: Faculty of Engineering

Department/School: Civil and Environmental Engineering

Staff Category: Research

Type of Employment: Fixed-term

Working Hours: Full-time

Salary range: £43,414 – £53,353 

FTE: 1.0 (35 hours per week)

Term: Fixed (18 months)

Closing date: 24 February 2023

We are seeking a Research Fellow to join the Centre for Water, Environment, Sustainability & Public Health ( within the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering. The Research Fellow will play a leading role in the project MEDiate, which has recently been funded by the Horizon Europe programme of the European Commission. MEDiate aims to develop a decision-support system for disaster risk management by considering multiple interacting natural hazards and cascading impacts using a novel resilient-informed, service-oriented and people-centred approach that accounts for forecasted modifications in the hazard (e.g., climate change), vulnerability/resilience (e.g., aging structures and populations) and exposure (e.g., population decrease/increase).

The Research Fellow will co-lead the work package “Assessment of current and future multi-hazard interactions and cascading impacts”, which is being led by Dr Christopher White (University of Strathclyde) in collaboration with partners across Europe. In addition, the Research Fellow will be responsible for creating new multi-hazard indicators, scenarios and metrics that will support risk-based assessments for the management of complex hazards, together with providing close support to the planned testbed applications of the project’s developments and contributing to other aspects of the MEDiate project where required, e.g., through reviewing deliverables.

To be considered for the role, you will have a PhD in the analysis and/or assessment of natural hazards (e.g., floods, landslides) and/or equivalent relevant industrial experience, and should also have experience of multi-hazard risk assessment and/or climate change science. The role will require the ability to draft and review technical project reports and journal articles therefore effective writing skills are essential. The post is based at the University of Strathclyde and involves travelling to regular meetings around Europe. You will have a body of published research in high quality publications demonstrating standards of excellence. You will have an ability to plan and organise research programmes, to ensure successful completion and you will have experience of planning and organising workloads, including the ability to supervise and delegate work. You will have an ability to work within a team environment and to lead teams and excellent interpersonal and communication skills, with the ability to listen, engage and persuade, and to present complex information in an accessible way to a range of audiences.

Whilst not essential for the role, applications are welcomed from candidates with experience of multi/inter-disciplinary research, experience of student assessment activities and/or a track record in knowledge exchange related activities.

*Whilst a Research Fellow is ideally sought for the position, applications from less-experienced Researchers are welcomed. In such circumstances, the appointment will be made at Research Associate level (RS07 salary scale: £34,308 – £42,155) and duties will be adjusted to reflect the grade of the post.

^This position has a fixed-term contract of 18 months, however this may be extended by a further 6 months subject to funding and performance.

Informal enquiries about the post can be directed to Dr Christopher White, Head of the Centre for Water, Environment, Sustainability & Public Health (email: or Dr John Douglas, Senior Lecturer (email:

Please click here for further details





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