1. Job description
The Department of Geological Sciences of the Universidad Católica del Norte (UCN) focuses on generate and transmit knowledge in the area of Geological Sciences, with emphasis on the sustainable management of the country’s natural resources, through undergraduate and postgraduate teaching, research, and links with the productive and social environment.
The Department is part of the Faculty of Engineering and Geological Sciences, being the largest Faculty in the Universidad Católica del Norte.
We seek new colleagues who can contribute to extending our department’s reputation for excellence in teaching and research. Hydrogeology related profiles, i.e. aquifers, geophysical prospecting, hydrochemistry, drilling technology, etc.
Your tasks:
- Creating a stimulating learning environment for both undergraduate and postgraduate students.
- Doing innovative research and publishing this research in internationally leading journals.
- Being active in acquiring additional external research funds, both individually and with colleagues.
- Depending on your experience, contributing to the management of the department.
2. Requirements
We are looking for candidates with:
- A solid background in research, having a completed Ph. D. thesis in hydrogeology related topics.
- A strong interest in contributing to enhance and remediate the environments affected by water pollution.
- Good teaching and communication skills to interact successfully with students, industry and academic colleagues and partners
The applicant has to be a Ph.D. with a doctoral thesis on hydrogeology related topics. He/she has to demonstrate teaching experience as well as scientific and/or technological productivity through scientific publications and/or patents or other intellectual property mechanisms. He/she also has to have leadership and skills for working on multi and interdisciplinary teams, as well as an advanced knowledge of English language and a basic Spanish communicational skill.
3. What are we offering
We offer three challenging positions, depending on the candidate’s merits and career stage, the positions may be filled as assistant, associate or full professor. The initial employment contract will be for a period of one year, with the possibility to obtain a permanent position after evaluating his/her performance at the end of the first year.
Gross monthly salaries are based on qualifications and experience of the candidate and are set in accordance to Universidad Católica del Norte standards.
4. Who are we?
The Universidad Católica del Norte is a 66 years old private university, having campuses in Antofagasta (where our Department is located) and Coquimbo, northern Chile cities. The National Accreditation Commission of Chile has recognised UCN as a high-quality higher education institution. It is home for 11,500 students and around 1,000 professors.
The UCN is divided into eight faculties; our Department belongs to the Faculty of Engineering and Geological Sciences, which is composed by five departments whose academic staff teaches in eleven undergraduate programs, nine post-graduate M.Sc. programs, and two Ph.D. programs.
Our Department’s colleagues teach regularly in one undergraduate program, three M.Sc. programs and a Ph.D. program, and we regularly collaborate teaching with colleagues from other departments and even from other universities around the world in both under-graduate and post-graduate programs.
The main campus of UCN is located at Antofagasta, a city of Northern Chile. The Antofagasta Region is the heart of the mining industry in Chile and the world capital of mining. Almost all largest and most productive copper mines in Chile are located in Antofagasta (Chuquicamata, Spence, Centinela, Escondida, Radomiro Tomic, El Abra, among other), so we have a pretty near relationship with mining companies, both for educational and research purposes. In addition to copper, the Antofagasta Region is a strategic point in the production of lithium. The main lithium reserves in the world are located in the north of the Antofagasta Region, near San Pedro de Atacama.
5. Application
Are you interested in working and developing yourself with us? Please apply to the position sending us your motivation letter, curriculum vitae, list of publications, and a research and teaching proposal for the first two years.
In accordance with Law No. 20,422, which establishes standards on equal opportunities and social inclusion of people with disabilities, the Universidad Católica del Norte seeks to ensure that the selection processes are developed under equal conditions for all people. For this reason, applicants can report if they require assistive devices, adjustments to the instruments used during the selection process, or other adaptations.
If you have any questions about these vacancies, please feel free to contact:
Name: Dr. Eduardo Campos Sepúlveda
Position: Head Department of Geological Sciences
E-mail: concursos.ficg@ucn.cl
You can apply for this job no later than January 20, 2023.
The Universidad Católica del Norte reserves the right to declare the contest void without expression of cause.