Filling out this survey will help us help you more!
We are conducting a quick, anonymous survey to get of an idea about who is the audience of Josh’s Water Jobs. Back years ago, I used to know everyone on this list and the general makeup of the group. But, the network has grown by leaps and bounds since then and it’s time to check in to get a better idea of who you all are. That way we can both have more targeted content and try to balance out areas that are lagging behind through additional content (jobs and other resources). It will also help us know how certain jobs will do on the website.
It will only take 2-3 minutes to fill out. The more people that fill this out, the better for everyone. Thanks!
Launch the survey
Note: It is possible to use Google Translate to translate the survey into various languages. All you have to do is copy and paste the URL into Translate and then choose the language. The only problem is that you can’t fill out the survey in the language, but would have to compare the two documents side-by-side.