It’s that time of year again where there is a big water meeting and I will organize a night out for drinks so you all can meet one another and I can try to put faces to the names on the website list. So, on the occasion of the 8th World Water Forum in Brasilia, the event will take place at 20:00 on Wednesday, 21 March at BierFass Choperia e Restaurante, which can be found on the lake at Pontão do Lago Sul, s/n – Lote 9 – Lago Sul, Brasília – DF, 71630-970. We have a reserved area there. There is a map below. It will take some form of transportation to arrive there. We will go late, until at least it turns World Water Day (22 March, I think they close at 1:00), so show up when you’d like to. To give an idea about numbers, please fill out this Doodle form if you plan on going (just give your first name if you want).
And, as usual, this is open to anyone, so please pass along.