PhD: Nutrient processing in stream networks by combining high frequency sensors and stable P and N isotopes

Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research (UFZ)

Magdeburg, Germany 🇩🇪

The main objective of this PhD position is to target phosphorus and nitrogen removal in European streams based on the coupling of biochemical and hydrological methods for assessing the effectiveness of anthropogenically impacted streams and streams with natural morphology in retaining nutrients.

The objectives of the PhD project include:

  1. Quantify seasonal variability of nutrient retention in headwater streams with deviating hydro-morphological characteristics, including stable isotope approaches
  2. Quantify assimilatory nutrient uptake and removal in streams and sorption to stream sediments using high frequency measurements
  3. Analyze in-stream nutrient removal at the river network scale

As part of this PhD position, the Doctoral Candidate will have an opportunity to take part in short visits and secondments to BEYOND partners (Uppsala University, Sweden; James Hutton Institute, UK;  National Research Institute for Agriculture/IARA, Food and Environment, France; TRIOS and LHW, Germany) for additional training and knowledge exchange.

The project will be supervised by Professor Dr. Michael Rode (UFZ, Germany), Professor Dr. Roland Bol (FZJ, Germany) and Dr. Zahra Thomas (IARA, France).

The position duration is three years. You will be based in the Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research-UFZ, Department of Aquatic Ecosystem Analysis ( located in Magdeburg in Germany.

28 days remaining

Apply by 15 March, 2025





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