PhD: Understanding the processes controlling the concentration-discharge (c-q) relationships in rivers using high-frequency water quality sampling

Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (SLU)

Uppsala, Sweden 🇸🇪

This PhD position aims to explore long-term high-frequency (sub-hourly) water quality data from BEYOND experimental catchments to advance understanding of concentration-discharge (C-Q) relationships in diverse rivers and their catchments. The concentration-discharge relationship encapsulates information on hydrological and biogeochemical processes and can provide information on dominant pollution pressures.

The objectives of this PhD project include:

  1. To establish C-Q relationships for multi-pollutants in diverse catchments and varying climatic conditions across temporal scales
  2. To explain dominant processes encapsulated in the C-Q relationships
  3. To test turbidity, conductivity, and UV-absorbance high-frequency measurements as proxies for multi-pollutants.

As part of this PhD position, the Doctoral Candidate will have an opportunity to take part in short visits and secondments to BEYOND partners (Ulster University, CEAB-CSIC, INRAE, INTEL, Irish EPA and LUODE) for additional training and knowledge exchange.  

The project will be supervised by Associate Professor Magdalena Bieroza (SLU, Sweden), Senior Researcher Susana Bernal (CEAB-CSIC, Spain) and Professor Phil Jordan (University of Ulster, UK). 

The position duration is four years. You will be based in the Department of Soil and Environment ( in Uppsala Sweden.

28 days remaining

Apply by 15 March, 2025





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