Artist in residence

KWR Water Research Institute

Nieuwegein, Netherlands 🇳🇱

Water is the basis of our lives. It is necessary for nature, for people, for food production and for economic development. The availability of sufficient, clean water has become a global social issue.

KWR Water Research Institute invites artists to apply for the position of ‘Artist in Residence’, for a period of approximately five months. The ‘Artist in Residence’ program focuses  on strengthening our transdisciplinary capacity and stimulating innovative collaboration within the Dutch water sector.

About KWR

KWR is a research institute and generates knowledge to enable the water sector to operate water-wise in our urbanized society. At KWR, we feel a professional and social responsibility for the quality of water. Our scientific findings and the practical innovations that result from them contribute worldwide to a sustainable availability of water in the urban water chain and nature.

In a water-wise world, we work on an optimal design and management of the water cycle, with a circular economy as an important driver and the sustainable developments goals of the UN in mind. KWR’s research is guided by eight social challenges (What KWR does – KWR).

Why do we want an artist in residence?

The motivation for this ‘Artist in residence’ project is twofold:

  1. the current shortcomings in addressing sustainability challenges and
  2. ) the recognition that a new perspective, particularly from the art, is essential to bring about transformative change.

In previous research (Kunst/Wetenschap-Samenwerkingen voor Transformatieve Verandering in de Watersector), KWR scientists have shown that art/science collaborations can promote transformative learning which is essential for transformative change. Now we want to put this transdisciplinary collaboration into practice.

What do we expect from the artist?

The specific content of the program will be determined in consultation with the selected artist. We expect an availability of approximately five months in combination with a full-time commitment. We are looking for an artist who is not only a creative force, but can also play a connecting and innovative role within our institute. An artist who is willing to explore and challenge the boundaries of knowledge, disciplines and perspectives (inside and outside KWR). In doing so, we consider the following points:

  • Openness and curiosity: An intrinsic willingness to explore the world of science and water management. The artist is open to ideas, methodologies and perspective of scientists and at the same time brings in his own perspective.
  • Proactive collaboration: The artist also takes the initiative to establish connections and build relationships with researchers and other stakeholders (KWR will also facilitate this). This means actively seeking contact, asking (critical) questions, while the artist independently conducts research to further develop ideas.
  • Critical reflection and boundary exploration: The artist investigates and makes the epistemic boundaries of (different disciplines within) KWR visible (KWR’s expertises). This means that the artist helps to expose where and why areas of knowledge and perspectives do not overlap or exist fruitfully side by side.
  • Innovation and experiment: The artist challenges existing thought patterns and holds up a mirror to us. This can be done by means of artworks, processes or interventions that stimulate and create space for reflection and dialogue. The process may, and must, be abrasive. We are not looking for a repetition of the familiar, but a collaboration that has the potential to create new ideas, methods, or insights that enrich both the arts and science.
  • Learning and integrating: The artist is prepared to absorb knowledge and expertise that is already present to KWR and to integrate it into his or her own work. This means translating/integrating scientific knowledge into artistic language, but also bringing artistic insights back to scientific practice.

In addition, there is room to agree in consultation on how much framework is desirable. For example, whether work is done around a specific challenge or whether free exploration is done to discover new perspectives, is agreed together. Together, we determine the form that best suits the artistic process of the artist and the objectives of KWR. Speaking/writing Dutch is a plus, not a must.

Our offer to you!

  • A stipend that is determined according to the guideline for artists’ fees (Home – Kunstenaarshonorarium) and following the example of the Academy of Arts (Richtlijnen 2024/2025 | Academie van Kunsten). We work with a contract of assignment for a period of 4-6 months.
  • Access to the expertise and facilities of KWR (in Nieuwegein).
  • The opportunity to present the work at conferences and exhibitions.
  • A unique opportunity to contribute to the future of the water sector.

Are you the artist we are looking for? Do you want to contribute to the transdisciplinary collaboration within KWR and the water sector? Then send your motivation letter and portfolio before 23 February 2025 to, referring to vacancy number 20255050.

The first interviews will be scheduled in March 2025. A presentation may be requested in a second round. We will start in consultation, but preferably no later than May 2025.

More information

For more information about the content of this position, please contact Katja Barendse (researcher Resilience Management & Governance) by telephone 030 6069 729 or email

For more information about the procedure, please contact José van Lieshout (Advisor Human Resources) by telephone 030 6069 536 or e-mail

Acquisition in response to this vacancy is not appreciated.

9 days remaining

Apply by 23 February, 2025




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