Researcher: Monitoring and performance evaluation of an aquaculture pilot-plant fed on tertiary treated wastewater, Research project in collaboration with CAP Evolution, Alfa Varese and Istituto Spallanzani via EURAXESS

Politecnico di Milano

Milan, Italy 🇮🇹

Offer Description

The project aims to verify the feasibility of breeding bleaks for repopulation purposes using treated urban wastewater, collected downstream of the tertiary disinfection treatment. For this purpose, 2 pilot-plants will be operated, located at the wastewater treatment plants of Sant’Antonino (Lonate Pozzolo, Varese, perated by Alfa Varese) and Canegrate (operated by CAP Evolution), respectively. Each pilot-plant consists of 2 parallel lines, fed on treated water and well-water, respectively. The pilot plants will be operated according to the indications of Istituto Spallanzani and monitored by POLIMI. The data collected will be used to evaluate the productivity in terms of fish-biomass and the release of contaminants in the outgoing water, which will be recycled to wastewater treatment plant, so to evaluate the additional specific pollution loads.

Where to apply



Additional Information

Eligibility criteria

Relevance of qualifications with the research programme object of selection

Consistency of the candidate’s overall profile with respect to the content of the research programme for selection

Close relevance of publications submitted with the research programme object of selection

Interview aimed at ascertaining the candidate’s aptitude for the research object of the selection

Eligible destination country/ies for fellows:


Eligibility of fellows: country/ies of residence:

  • All

Eligibility of fellows: nationality/ies:

  • All

Selection process

In order to participate in the selection, please read the call (“bando”) available at the following website:…

Website for additional job details:…




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