Advisors in the Water Supply and Wastewater Sector to the Project Accelerator



Swedfund and the Project Accelerator
Swedfund, Sweden’s development finance institution, aims to reduce poverty through sustainable investments. The Swedfund Project Accelerator supports this mission by developing and implementing sustainable infrastructure projects in developing countries, addressing the shortage of bankable projects crucial for Agenda 2030.

The Project Accelerator collaborates closely with public entities throughout the project cycle, from early-phase work to project design and capacity building. It offers untied grant financing to public entities for engaging consultants and experts to strengthen local institutional capacity, including feasibility studies.

As the Project Accelerator expands, more Advisors in the Water and Wastewater sectors will be needed. A structured process to identify new Advisors will conclude in early 2025, with the deadline for registration of interest on January 7, 2025. Selected applicants will join the Advisor pool and be considered for future projects.

The Advisor role in projects
The Project Accelerator engages at least one Advisor per project to provide subject matter expertise throughout the project cycle. Advisors help assess opportunities, define work scopes for consultancy assignments, and support sustainable project development and procurement. They also assist during the execution of studies financed by Swedfund and conducted by external consultants.

Note that the engagement for which Swedfund provides grant funding is carried out by an external consulting firm (Consultant) selected through a separate competitive sourcing process. The roles of Advisor and Consultant cannot be combined.

The Advisor role varies between different projects and geographies, but the following tasks are typically included:

  • Support Swedfund in evaluating leads and project proposals, reviewing project materials and background information, and participating in meetings with stakeholders.
  • Assist Swedfund and the local project owner in developing the Terms of Reference for the study or assignment financed by Swedfund.
  • Aid Swedfund and the local project owner in the process of procuring a consultant. This could include supporting the evaluation processes for consultancy services.
  • Support Swedfund throughout the project execution phase by reviewing the deliverables of the project and participating in steering group meetings.
  • Help Swedfund identify key risks and obstacles in the project.

Advisor profile
Candidates for assignments as Advisors to the Project Accelerator are expected to meet the majority of these general requirements:

  • A degree in a relevant engineering field.
  • Significant experience and knowledge within the field of international water supply and/or wastewater assignments.
  • Experience with project preparation for water supply and/or wastewater assignments, such as preparing feasibility studies and preliminary designs.
  • Experience in sourcing consultancy services for the purpose of project development of water and/or wastewater infrastructure projects, including the development of Terms of Reference, proposal evaluation and/or proposal preparation.
  • Experience working with public institutions in international water and/or wastewater projects, including water utilities, municipalities, ministries, and other stakeholders.
  • Experience working with multilateral development banks and other financiers.
  • Knowledge of Swedish suppliers in the water and/or wastewater sector.
  • Ability and interest in supporting throughout the entire project cycle, which may involve varying time requirements depending on project development.

Proficiency in English is required. Proficiency in additional languages (e.g., Ukrainian, French, Spanish, Swedish, other relevant languages) is a plus.

Swedfund prefers the Advisor to be an individual consultant due to the significant variations in workload and project timeline, which require a high level of flexibility as described below. However, consulting companies can appoint one person within the organization to be the key contact for Swedfund, who can draw on the organization for technical support in certain aspects of the assignment.

The process
Selected applicants will join Swedfund’s pool of Advisors for future water and wastewater projects. However, selection for assignments is not guaranteed. The selection process is as follows:

  1. Swedfund selects a few Advisors from the pool for a specific assignment.
  2. Interested Advisors are evaluated, and one is chosen.
  3. The selected Advisor signs an agreement with Swedfund.

Based on such an agreement and Swedfund’s specific need for advisory support in the particular engagement, assignment descriptions will be created to stipulate the activities and deliverables for the specific project.

Engagements can span 2-3 years, and Swedfund expects Advisors to be prepared to support throughout the project timeline in order to build relationships with stakeholders.

Assignments are based on an hourly fee, with workload varying by project.

Initially, Advisors may work 2-6 weeks over 3-6 months, with less intense work during project execution, i.e. when the consultant has been sourced. Travel may be expected, depending on the assignment, and expenses are covered by Swedfund. Travel in business or first class is not allowed.

Expressions of interest

Interested candidates are asked to submit an Expression of Interest and an up-to-date CV to Swedfund by January 8, 2025. Please ensure that the following information is included, and that the application also addresses the “Advisor profile”:

  • Name of company and company information.
  • Main objective and focus of the organization.
  • Name of Advisor and contact details.
  • Availability to engage as an Advisor from January 2025.
  • Description of key expertise and relevant experience, including reference projects.
  • Description of roles and responsibilities in relevant projects/organizations.
  • Experience of work in developing countries.
  • Expected hourly fee for assignments.

Swedfund Policy
Swedfund is a signatory to a number of international framework agreements and principles for responsible investment and sustainable business practises. Swedfund strives to act in accordance with international guidelines regarding inter alia environmental and social considerations, working conditions, human rights, children’s rights, women’s rights, anti-corruption, corporate governance and business ethics.

Swedfund requires the selected Advisor to adhere to the requirements in Swedfund’s policy for sustainable development and anti-corruption policy, whereby it shall:

(i) conduct its business in a sustainable and responsible manner with a long-term perspective and strive to adhere to international standards and internationally recognized human rights as well as internationally acknowledged standards for business integrity and corporate governance;

(ii) comply with legal and regulatory requirements in the jurisdictions where it operates;

(iii) comply with the Harmonized EDFI Exclusion List;

(iv) adhere to applicable IFC Performance Standards;

(v) adhere to Swedfund’s anti-corruption policy; and

(vi) ensure that its sub-consultants or subcontractors adhere to the above-mentioned standards and requirements.

An Advisor is not eligible for procurement by Swedfund if the Advisor or a person having powers of representation, decision-making or control over them or a member of their administrative, management or supervisory body have been the subject of a final judgment or of a final administrative decision for one of the following reasons:

  1. bankruptcy, insolvency or winding-up procedures;
  2. breach of obligations relating to the payment of taxes or social security contributions;
  3. grave professional misconduct, including misrepresentation;
  4. fraud;
  5. corruption;
  6. conduct related to a criminal organisation;
  7. money laundering or terrorist financing;
  8. terrorist offences or offences linked to terrorist activities;
  9. child labour and other trafficking in human beings;
  10. irregularity;
  11. creating a shell company; or
  12. being a shell company.

Furthermore, the Advisor may not be listed on any of the following:

1. Any list of sanctioned entities, individuals or countries maintained by the European Union or the government of any member state, the government of the United Kingdom, the United Nations, or the government of the United States of America; and

2. World Bank Listing of Ineligible Firms and Individuals.





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