Certified Cash & Markets Trainer to Support the
Implementation of the Global WASH Cluster Training
“Market-based-Programming for WASH in Emergencies”
Duty Station: Preparation: Home Based / Training: Bangkok, 20-24 Jan 2025
Duration: Preparation: up to 4 days / Training: 5 days / Follow Up: up to 1 day
Time frame: November – December 2023
Supervision & Reporting to: German Toilet Organization (secretariat of German WASH Network)
Background and justification
Knowledge management and Capacity building are high priority areas of work of the Global WASH Cluster Technical Working Group (TWIG) “Cash and Markets”. A key element of the workplan is the roll out of the “Market-based Programming for WASH in Emergencies training”, which was developed in 2018 and has been constantly implemented and revised since then. The training is developed following the humanitarian programme cycle and providing core knowledge on market-based programming (MBP) and cash & voucher assistance (CVA) modalities to practitioners of the humanitarian WASH sector.
The German WASH Network and its members German Toilet Organization and Malteser International are supporting the GWC in the roll out the training, with funding of the German Federal Foreign Office. For the further roll out of the training the GWC and the GTO are seeking support from a certified Cash & Markets or CaLP trainer with solid expertise and/or training experience in MBP for WASH and a professional capacity building background. Practical experience in delivering the market-based programming modalities in the humanitarian WASH sector is desirable.
General objective
Support the implementation of the Global WASH Cluster Training “Market-based-Programming for WASH in Emergencies” in Bangkok, Thailand.
Specific objectives
- Co-facilitate the 5-day training events
- Take over lectures / sessions on specific topics (based on session briefs / PPTs / case study)
- Advise the trainer team on cash specific issues / topics
- Update and adapt session plans to fit new template
- 1 x 5 day-training implementation
- Updated presentations and session plans
Remuneration and payment schedule
- Remuneration will be made as follows:
- 50 % of the fee on the award of the contract
- 50 % of the fee after completion of all deliverables
- Travel expenses (flights, transfer, visa) and other direct costs (e.g. materials) related to the assignment, will be reimbursed by GTO against original receipts. Accommodation and all meals are provided during the training.
The consultant will report to the responsible project coordinator of the German Toilet Organization, which will update the GWC on progress and success.
General Terms and Conditions
The consultant must comply with the General Terms and Conditions of Contract (GTCC) for the
provision of services and works on behalf of the GTO.
Qualification and Expertise
- Proven experience of delivering high quality training and learning events (preferably CALP certified) related to market-based programming (MBP) and cash and voucher assistance (CVA)
- Good expertise in and understanding of current good practices related to MBP and CVA in the WASH sector
- Experience in delivering (or participating) in a previous MBP for WASH in Emergencies training is desirable
- Substantial knowledge and experience in capacity building: adult learning methodological approaches and tools and strong skills in facilitation; designing trainings; and evaluating training impact.
- Strong interactive facilitation skills and an adaptive, dynamic instructional approach to ensure learning remains tailored to evolving discussions and questions.
- Practicable experience in delivering the market-based programming modalities in the humanitarian WASH sector is desirable.
- Knowledge and work experience of the ways of working of humanitarian NGOs (local and international), government actors (e.g. national disaster management authorities and social welfare departments), UN agencies, and private sector actors (e.g. financial service providers).
- The ability to communicate technical subject matter (in oral and written form) to people with varying technical knowledge/skills and from different educational and cultural backgrounds.
The offer should consist of the following:
- Brief technical offer, incl. a summary of relevant expertise related to a) humanitarian market-based programming, b) WASH and c) experience with designing and facilitating learning offers
- Financial offer with budget according to the schedule (incl. daily rate)
- CV
- The bid must be submitted by December 15, 2024 to