Expertise: Gender
Expertise Group: Accounting, Auditing & Statistics
Consultant Source: National
TOR Keywords: National Gender Specialist
Objective and Purpose of the Assignment
The objective of the Project is to improve and expand access to climate resilient, reliable,
sustainable, and affordable water supply services in the Project districts.
Scope of Work
The national gender specialist will lead the timely implementation, monitoring of the Gender Action Plan
(GAP) and reporting on progress of implementation and gender equality results. He/She will work closely
with the organizations, entities responsible for implementation of specific GAP activities and gender
initiatives. He/She will conduct trainings, surveys and develop of relevant reports to this assignment.
Detailed Tasks and/or Expected Output
The consultant’s task will include but not be limited for the following:
i. Establish an effective monitoring and reporting system based on sex-disaggregated data collected
during public consultation and obtained from implementation team, Karakalpak Suv taminoti (KST) and its
district branches, contractors, and other parties.
ii. Analyze collected baseline/end-line sex-disaggregated information to monitor and evaluate positive
trends of women’s time poverty.
iii. Facilitate women’s participation in project-associated activities to ensure that women benefit from
the project implementation. Increase awareness on employment opportunities for women in project civil
works construction, in laboratory and customer care operations (at least 10% women employed in project
civil works construction, 30% of laboratory staff and 30% of customer care workers for the KST and all
iv. Prepare initial gender analysis of the KSTs Human resource policy (gender responsive recruitment,
job descriptions, orientation, professional development, promotion). Prepare semi-annual GAP
implementation reports to be submitted to PCU with a special focus on women needs.
v. Fulfillment of all the requirements specified in the project GAP of “Western Uzbekistan Water Supply
System Development Project”.
vi. Support project Monitoring and Evaluation specialist in development of a gender-inclusive project
monitoring and evaluation system (PMES). Together with the PCU Social Specialist introduce PMES into
vii. Conduct gender awareness trainings for PCU & KST staff annually. Conduct gender capacity building
program (gender analysis, gender-responsive planning, gender budgeting, and GAP compliance) trainings
for KST staff, including districts (for at least 50%).
viii. Preparation and conducting hygiene promotion and sanitation awareness trainings that will be
primarily focused on women (at least 30% of participants are women).
ix. Conduct stepwise customer satisfaction survey in the project upon completion of works on each
subproject. Produce sex-disaggregated annual report on customer complaints based of customer
satisfaction survey results analysis. Provide training to customer complaint unit officers (at least 30%
of them women) in gender responsive customer care technics.
x. Conduct gender-sensitive outreach activities, including television, radio spots and newspaper
articles. Identify success stories and publicize the project gender achievements. (draft Program/Article
needs to be approved by KST or PCU before publication)
Minimum Qualification Requirements
He/She should have bachelor’s degree in any of the following fields: gender studies, social work,
community development, sociology, psychology; with at least 3 years relevant national work experience on
mainstreaming gender and/or implementing gender actions and initiatives in development projects,
preferably, in infrastructure projects; with relevant experience in design and implementation gender-
sensitive programs; with strong human relations skills, and excellent oral and written communication
skills; with knowledge of karakalpak, uzbek and russian languages.
Minimum General Experience: 5 Years
Minimum Specific Experience (relevant to assignment): 3 Years