Consultancy on Environment Protection and Climate Change Training for Youth via ReliefWeb

World Vision (WV)

Georgia 🇬🇪

World Vision Abkhazia Program

Request for Proposals Consultancy Services: Consultancy on Environment Protection and Climate Change Training for Youth

World Vision is a humanitarian organization dedicated to working with children, families, and their communities worldwide to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice.

WV Abkhazia Program is seeking a Consultant with practical experience in designing and running environmental training programs will design training materials on the given topics to increase capacity of the four targeted CSOs and deepen their knowledge on the environment sustainability and climate action (ESCA) related topics. Please see the Terms of Reference for details.

Consultants with relevant experience and qualification, providing competitive price, will be selected for assignment.

Program Context in Abkhazia

Abkhazia has been facing an international isolation, grapples with a multitude of pressing issues, including chronic poverty, high unemployment, low food security and severe economic distress. The isolation that communities face has a negative impact upon their sense of well-being and their ability to develop professional knowledge and aptitudes. This lack of relevant skills is specifically difficult for children and youth who under these circumstances are not able to live up to their full potential.

World Vision, in a consortium with Action Against Hunger (AAH) and Danish Refugee Council (DRC) have launched the “Building Resilient Communities in Abkhazia” project that aims at making communities in Abkhazia stronger through encouraging an effective participation of all community members with a focus on people with disabilities, youth, women and girls. The project is implemented with a financial support provided by the European Union, its duration is 30 months, i.e. from June 2024 till December 2026.

To achieve the project goal each project partner in the consortium has specific objectives which are designed to support various types of Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) and community-related topics, all geared towards bolstering communities and enhancing their resilience. In particular, AAH will support local CSOs interested in incorporating youth inclusion and engagement when working with communities to strengthen social inclusion. DRC will support local CSOs when promoting gender specific rights of people with disabilities (PwDs) and their access to public life. World Vision will support local CSOs when engaging youth into environmental protection and disaster risk management activities in their communities using enhanced digital knowledge and skills.

Objective of the consultancy

Thus, within its project component, World Vision will support youth by creating Eco Youth Clubs in five target schools to foster youth engagement into the climate change agenda. Four CSOs will be selected through an open call and be trained to work with the target youth in the Eco Youth Clubs to raise their environment awareness, help them develop their overall personal and professional skills set. Moreover, the target youth will be invited to design and implement environmental or greening actions in their local communities and thus increase the local resilience to climate change but also increase the local understanding of environmental issues. One of the four CSOs with a strongest capacity will be defined to take a leading role for the other three to foster intra-CSO cooperation, coordination and learning. This will include a provision of supportive supervision to other CSOs when implementing the Youth Training program, including provision of technical support as well as training methodology support.

The International Consultant with practical experience in designing and running environmental training programs will design training materials on the given topics to increase capacity of the four targeted CSOs and deepen their knowledge on the environment sustainability and climate action (ESCA) related topics. Once the training materials are developed, the consultant will run presentations on the developed materials to the engaged CSOs. The ESCA topics should include:

  1. Becoming stewards of creation/Taking responsibility for the environment
  2. The causes and effects of climate change
  3. Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration and deforestation
  4. Water is life
  5. Plastic pollution
  6. Melting Glaciers and permafrost

Moreover, along with the presentation and training materials developed to increase capacity of the CSOs, the consultant will design power point presentations, hand-outs on the given topics adjusted to the target youth age group (i.e. 14-17 years old).

The aim of the sessions is not only to improve the youth’s understanding of environmental issues theoretically but also enable them with practical green skills to drive change, promote eco-friendly practices, and contribute to a greener and more sustainable future by developing innovative solutions for environmental challenges.

Once the training program is designed, the consultant will conduct a ToT on the developed training program for 12 staff of the four identified environment-focused NGOs via an online mode. The online training will include a technical training on the given ESCA topics, but also a ToT on the developed youth training presentations. This training will enable the staff from the four local CSOs to run the training program across five ECO Youth Clubs in an interactive, interesting and fun way.

Gender mainstreaming

World Vision seeks to elaborate gender specific and gender sensitive approaches to promote and integrate gender equality in targeted communities of Abkhazia. Promotion of gender equality should be mainstreamed into all programs, materials, and activities implemented or supported by World Vision.

Key Outputs and Methodology

The key expected outputs of this consultancy are:

  • To design training materials on the given six ESCA topics for the targeted CSOs covering topics: Becoming stewards of creation/Taking responsibility for the environment; The causes and effects of climate change; Farmer Managed Natural Regeneration and deforestation; Water is life; Plastic pollution; Melting Glaciers and permafrost. Moreover, the developed materials should include pre and post-tests to evaluate the knowledge progress amongst the targeted CSOs – 8 days
  • To deliver a two-day ToT on the developed training program for 12 staff of the four environment-focused CSOs+3 WV staff (November 2024) (2 days)
  • To prepare power point presentations on each of the ESCA topics adjusted to the youth age group (i.e. 14-17 years old) – 2 days.
  • To produce a Consultancy Report reflecting on the main achievements, challenges, recommendations in relation to the further capacity building of the target specialists (based on provided template) (1 day)

Inter alia the project teams (both WV and Project Partner) will be participating in the training sessions to further build their capacity on environment protection skills and get empowered to ensure quality monitoring of this project activity.

In terms of Methodology, the consultant shall:

  • Work with WV Regional office to agree on any technical issues related to development of the Training Program and approaches to be used that take into considerations the specific operating context of Abkhazia;
  • Work with WV project team and the leading CSO to ensure the training program is relevant to the local context to efficiently introduce the most up to date approaches in environment protection and climate change.
  • Ensure that the training program is gender sensitive, e.g. to assess gender related differences through challenging the participants on the gender perception issues throughout the

Qualifications and Experience Required

The Consultant shall have:

  • Strong technical experience in environment protection and climate change
  • Strong awareness on Child Protection and Gender
  • Strong experience in conducting training / ToT
  • Relevant university degree
  • Ability to work independently with little direction
  • Strong English communication (oral and written), knowledge of Russian is an asset
  • Cross-cultural sensitivity, flexible world view and emotional maturity
  • Willingness and ability to interact with staff, community and primary/secondary stakeholders
  • Relevant computer skills necessary to execute well-designed, professional documents


The consultancy is expected to be conducted in November 2024 for 11 days in total. (Detailed time commitment table is available in linked TOR)

Consultancy Cost Coverage:

The consultancy has a lump sum budget and any incurring expenses should be covered by it (e.g. service fee, taxation, etc). The consultant is responsible for budget breakdown for particular activities within the submitted offer.

Consultancy fee will be paid upon completion of the responsibilities as per the TOR and acceptance of the Consultancy report by World Vision.

How to apply

All interested consultants should send their proposals by the deadline of October 31, 2024, 16:00 to the e-mail:

Application package should include:

Clarifications on the process can be requested from:

World Vision Abkhazia Program





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