Expertise: Communication, public relations, Project Management
Expertise Group: Knowledge Management and Learning
Consultant Source: National
TOR Keywords: communication coordination
Objective and Purpose of the Assignment
In 2023, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) approved the regional technical assistance Strengthening
Resilient and Sustainable Urban and Water Service Delivery in the Pacific (TA-10267-REG). TA 10267 is
currently supporting ADB’s Pacific developing member countries (DMCs) strengthen their resilience to
climate and disaster risks and increase sustainability of urban service providers (USPs) and urban
utility operators. The Water and Urban Development Sector Office’s Pacific and Southeast Asia (WUD-SEAP)
is implementing TA 10267.
The TA outcome is the regional expertise in sustainable and resilient management of urban, water, and
sanitation services in Pacific. This will be achieved through the following outputs: (i) improved
capacity of urban and water utilities in the Pacific through regional twinning partnerships, tailored
capacity building, and supplementation; (ii) improved sustainability of urban and water service delivery
through enhanced project planning, implementation, and adoption of innovative technologies; and (iii)
expanded climate change and multi-hazard disaster risk early warning and response capabilities and
strategic knowledge.
ADB is supporting the Government of the Cook Islands on several activities in the water and urban
sector, and the proposed position would provide communication and coordination support to ADB, the
Government of the Cook Islands, and the Rarotonga Water Authority, To Tatou Vai (TTV).
Scope of Work
The Communication and Coordination Specialist is required for an intermittent assignment to support
several water and urban sector activities that are being implemented under ADB TAs. Key activities that
will be supported by this consultancy include:
(i) Communication and public relations related to the establishment of a water supply tariff (with TTV);
(ii) Communication and coordination related to the preparation of the proposed Climate-adapted
Communities for Environmental Improvement Sector Project; and
(iii) Communication and coordination related the regional Water Operator’s Partnership (WOP) initiative.
The consultant will be responsible for coordinating activities to support the abovementioned
initiatives, including public awareness activities and consultations.
Activities of the Consultant will include close coordination with ADB office in Cook Islands. The
Consultant will work in coordination with the international advisors and government agencies.
Detailed Tasks and/or Expected Output
The assignment for the Communication and Coordination Specialist will include the following:
General duties
(i) In consultation with ADB and key stakeholders, prepare a detailed schedule and workplan (with cost
estimate of the outputs and key activities under the assignment);
(ii) Prepare monthly reports for submission to ADB, which will report on progress against an agreed work
plan of activities and capture:
a. minutes of meeting with key stakeholders;
b. records of any purchases and distribution of goods (e.g. promotional materials) through the TA;
c. reports of any training and capacity building programs conducted, and
d. key challenges faced and recommended solution(s).
(iii) Provide administrative support for ADB or international consultant missions in relation to the
abovementioned initiatives.
Communication and public relations related to the establishment of a water supply tariff (with TTV)
(i) Assess and identify steps to develop a communication strategy for TTV in relation to the water
tariff work;
(ii) Conduct stakeholder mapping, consult stakeholders, and develop a communications strategy, setting
out clear and measurable objectives and timelines;
(iii) Develop templates, model documents, and materials to support the implementation of the
communications strategy, and
(iv) Prepare and deliver materials to increase awareness and buy-in of the communication strategy with
core stakeholders; and
(v) Identify media opportunities.
Communication and coordination related to the preparation of the proposed Climate-adapted Communities
for Environmental Improvement Sector Project
(i) Work closely with ADB, MFEM, ICI, and the project preparatory consultants to support public
(ii) Identify media opportunities; and
(iii) Support ADB officer’s communication with key stakeholders.
Communication and coordination related the regional Water Operator’s Partnership (WOP) initiative
(i) Work closely with ADB and the international consultants on the organization of stakeholder
(ii) Identify media opportunities; and
(iii) Support ADB officer’s communication with key stakeholders.
Note: The successful candidate will be offered 100 intermittent working over a period of 6 months
(November 2024 – May 2025). Upon satisfactory achievement of key milestones agreed in the workplan and
mutual agreement, ADB could extend the contract.
Minimum Qualification Requirements
• The consultant should have a degree in communication, public relations, or a similar field.
• A minimum of 5 years’ experience in coordinating, communication, and public/external relations.
• At lease 5 years’ experience in developing communication strategies, policy briefs, or public relation
• Experience working in the Cook Islands. Familiarity with key stakeholders in the water and urban
sectors will be viewed favorably.
• Excellent oral and written communication skills in English.
• Excellent oral and written communication skills in Cook Islander Maori.
• Familiarity with the communication frameworks and standards used by international development
organizations is desirable.
• The consultant will have experience related to the delivery of community-based projects or local
implementation of national development programs or projects.
Minimum General Experience: 5 Years
Minimum Specific Experience (relevant to assignment): 5 Years