Expertise: public administration, business management, economics and engineering
Expertise Group: Project Management/ Institutional Development
Consultant Source: National
TOR Keywords:
Objective and Purpose of the Assignment
During the mid-term review of DWSSP and processing of DWSSP-AF strengthening of the institutional
capacity of the P.I.G. was identified as critical for the successful achievement of the project
objectives. Increased institutional capacity of the P.I.G. is necessary for the:
- Implementation of the recommendations proposed by the ISCDC (including the fulfilment of the roles of
the Governance Advisor and Change Management Specialist) - Support the DVK Business Plan implementation and the review against the Performance Based Public
Service Contract - To finalize the ToRs & supervise the management of all institutional consultancies
The national institutional change management specialist (Change Manager) will be:
- engaged for 456 working-days over a 2-year period from November 2024 – November 2026
- based within Dushanbe reporting to the head of the P.I.G.
- working with an International Institutional Specialist (Corporate Governance Advisor) and the P.I.G.
team - building the capacity of an institutional staff member seconded to the P.I.G. from DVK
Scope of Work
The national institutional change management specialist (Change Manager) will assist the P.I.G. in
undertaking the following tasks:
- Implementation of the recommendations proposed by the ISCDC
- Refinement of the DVK Corporate Business Plan and the associated Performance Based Public Service
Contract between the DVK and the City Administration - Monitoring SUE “DVK” focal group on the promotion of the Performance based public services agreement,
between the SUE “DVK” and the city Administration. - Establishment of a focal group within the Dushanbe city Administration to promote Performance based
public services agreement, between the SUE “DVK” and the city Administration - Step-by-step training and development of the skills of the members of the focal group of the City
Administration to analyze and calculate the results of reports provided by the SUE “DVK” - Provision of change management support to the DVK on the proposed organizational reforms including:
- linking a time-bound action plan (with indicators) for the implementation of the Change Management
Strategy with the DVK Corporate Business Plan - handholding support to DVK to implement the Change Management Strategy
- oversight of the ongoing HR reforms within DVK including HR policies, job descriptions, internal
communications, grievance redressal and capacity building (i.e. retraining). - working with the PR unit on the development of the communications systems and messaging for managing
the external reforms - strengthening internal communication of SUE DVK
- Work with the Contact service Center to analyze the company’s customer complaints;
- Finalization of ToRs and supervision of institutional consultancies for DWSSP-AF including:
- establishing of a central SCADA command center and NRW analysis hub
- professionalizing the public relations platforms for customer care
- performance contract for the NRW reduction in the 18 DMAs in Shohmansur District
- Support for a DVK-led coordination mechanism with other WB financed projects
- Advice on the institutional / financing agreements for the Women’s Development Centre
- Coordinating the consultancy services under the DWSSP-AF, including the:
- strengthening of water supply laboratory testing procedures and capacities;
- strengthening of wastewater laboratory testing procedures and capacities;
- building of capacity on the passive process for the optimization of WWTPs
- analytical advice on non-networked sanitation options in Karotegin and Zebuniso
- deployment of institutional and financial advisory services to assess the viability of different
Corporatization models for DVK and support their implementation - Advice to the DVK on critical institutional decisions in Shohmansur District and beyond
Detailed Tasks and/or Expected Output
The national institutional change management specialist (Change Manager) will assist the P.I.G. in
undertaking the following tasks:
- Implementation of the recommendations proposed by the ISCDC
- Refinement of the DVK Corporate Business Plan and the associated Performance Based Public Service
Contract between the DVK and the City Administration - Monitoring SUE “DVK” focal group on the promotion of the Performance based public services agreement,
between the SUE “DVK” and the city Administration. - Establishment of a focal group within the Dushanbe city Administration to promote Performance based
public services agreement, between the SUE “DVK” and the city Administration - Step-by-step training and development of the skills of the members of the focal group of the City
Administration to analyze and calculate the results of reports provided by the SUE “DVK” - Provision of change management support to the DVK on the proposed organizational reforms including:
- linking a time-bound action plan (with indicators) for the implementation of the Change Management
Strategy with the DVK Corporate Business Plan - handholding support to DVK to implement the Change Management Strategy
- oversight of the ongoing HR reforms within DVK including HR policies, job descriptions, internal
communications, grievance redressal and capacity building (i.e. retraining). - working with the PR unit on the development of the communications systems and messaging for managing
the external reforms - strengthening internal communication of SUE DVK
- Work with the Contact service Center to analyze the company’s customer complaints;
- Finalization of ToRs and supervision of institutional consultancies for DWSSP-AF including:
- establishing of a central SCADA command center and NRW analysis hub
- professionalizing the public relations platforms for customer care
- performance contract for the NRW reduction in the 18 DMAs in Shohmansur District
- Support for a DVK-led coordination mechanism with other WB financed projects
- Advice on the institutional / financing agreements for the Women’s Development Centre
- Coordinating the consultancy services under the DWSSP-AF, including the:
- strengthening of water supply laboratory testing procedures and capacities;
- strengthening of wastewater laboratory testing procedures and capacities;
- building of capacity on the passive process for the optimization of WWTPs
- analytical advice on non-networked sanitation options in Karotegin and Zebuniso
- deployment of institutional and financial advisory services to assess the viability of different
Corporatization models for DVK and support their implementation - Advice to the DVK on critical institutional decisions in Shohmansur District and beyond
Minimum Qualification Requirements
- Higher level qualification in public administration or human resource management. Background
qualifications in engineering would be an advantage. - In-depth knowledge of public utility reform processes and experience in the change management of
public or private service providers. - Experience in senior management / institutional reform in water utilities would be an advantage.
- Experience in the management of institutional reforms within other IFI projects would be an advantage.
- Verbal and written fluency in Tajik, Russian and English (preferably).
Minimum General Experience: 10 Years
Minimum Specific Experience (relevant to assignment): 5 Years