Climate Adaptation Specialist

Asian Development Bank (ADB)

Timor-Leste 🇹🇱

Expertise: Climate Adaptation Specialist
Expertise Group: Biological Sciences & Ecology

Consultant Source: International
TOR Keywords: climate change, adaptation,

Objective and Purpose of the Assignment

Adverse climate change impacts are a growing threat to socioeconomic development of Timor-Leste thereby
emphasizing the need to scale up long-term investments in climate adaptation. This requires improved
planning for climate adaptation, aligning climate adaptation priorities with wider investment planning
framework of the country, and mobilizing financial resources for implementation. It also requires
strengthened institutions and capacity at all levels and across all sectors to integrate climate risk
considerations in sector development processes. Timor-Leste’s National Adaptation Plan identified seven
priority areas: agriculture, biodiversity and ecosystem, disaster risk reduction, health,
infrastructure, tourism, and water. It is important that in these priority sectors, priority adaptation
investments are identified for financing.

The Asian Development Bank (ADB) has set ambitious targets to support its developing member countries
scale up climate actions, including providing $34 billion for climate adaptation finance between 2019-

  1. A key approach for achieving this ambition is to provide upstream support to government for
    climate adaptation to help bridge the gap between adaptation planning and financing. In this context,
    ADB has approved a regional technical assistance project, to support countries develop adaptation
    investment plans in priority sectors that would help identify a suite of strategic investments needed to
    deal with increasing climate shocks and stresses. It would also help the government to mobilize climate
    finance in a programmatic manner from a range of sources, including international financial
    institutions, global climate funds and the private sector.

The TA will provide dedicated support to Timor-Leste through an international climate adaptation
specialist to help identify opportunities for scaling up investments in climate adaptation. The
international climate adaptation specialist will be based in Dili, Timor-Leste for a period of 12 months
and will be responsible for developing a national adaptation investment plan through a consultative
process involving the Government of Timor-Leste and other relevant stakeholders.

Scope of Work

Climate Change Adaptation, Investment Planning

Detailed Tasks and/or Expected Output

The Climate Adaptation Specialist is expected to:
(i) Review and analyze existing literature related to climate risks of Timor-Leste to identify priority
sectors and locations that provide opportunities for developing adaptation investments.
(ii) Support ADB Resident Mission in engaging with Government of Timor-Leste in national adaptation
planning process and providing technical guidance in linking adaptation plan with wider development and
investment plans of Timor-Leste.
(iii) Support ADB Resident Mission in analyzing development strategies and key performance indicators of
sectors that are being prioritized in ADB’s country partnership strategy and in establishing the linkage
with climate adaptation priorities of Timor-Leste in order to identify potential opportunities
(including financing opportunities) for future investments.
(iv) Review and analyze the potential of deploying innovative financial instruments for adaptation in
(v) Based on the above-described reviews and discussion with Government of Timor-Leste and relevant
stakeholders and under guidance of ADB Resident Mission, provide inputs on ADB country programming
process to scale up investments (sovereign and non-sovereign) in climate adaptation.
(vi) Closely coordinate and work with a consulting firm or other individual consultants (that may be
engaged under the TA in 2025) and various stakeholders working on climate change.
(vii) Develop an adaptation investment plan to ensure its uptake with government and build capacity and
awareness of government agencies on adaptation investment planning process.
(viii) Support ADB Resident Mission to organize dialogues/consultations with governments and other
stakeholders to discuss proposed adaptation investment priorities.
(ix) Based on guidance from ADB Resident Mission, support in developing concept papers for adaptation
investments in different sectors and where appropriate, explore the possibility of accessing global
climate funds for Timor-Leste.
(x) Support project preparation teams to ensure that climate adaptation is mainstreamed in proposed
investments, and properly reflected in project concept notes and project preparation documents.
(xi) Support project administration teams to ensure that climate adaptation is optimally mainstreamed in
ongoing operations.
(xii) Establish a database of ADB activities/operations that support climate adaptation in Timor-Leste.
(xiii) Towards the end of the assignment, based on the experience gained, develop a knowledge product
and conduct a knowledge event to showcase ADB’s results on climate adaptation in the country.
(xiv) Perform other tasks as may be assigned by supervising ADB staff.

Minimum Qualification Requirements

The Consultant is required to have the following qualifications:

(i) a Bachelor’s degree in climate risk management, environmental management, development planning,
public policy, economics, or related discipline. Master’s degree is preferable;
(ii) at least 7 years of experience in climate-related policy, plan and strategy development, including
climate adaptation and disaster risk management projects.
(iii) preferably, experience in climate policy, planning and strategy development projects in Timor-
Leste and/or familiarity with global climate funds;
(iv) excellent communication, coordination and consultation skills;
(v) good command of written and spoken English, with proven track record in producing high-quality
technical reports;
(vi) preferably, knowledge of Tetum; and
(vii) preferably, knowledge of ADB’s policies and procedures.

Minimum General Experience: 7 Years
Minimum Specific Experience (relevant to assignment): 7 Years





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