Senior Water Specialist

The World Bank

Tirana, Albania 🇦🇱


Do you want to grow a career that is truly worthwhile? The World Bank Group is one of the largest sources of funding and knowledge for developing countries; a unique global partnership of five institutions dedicated to ending extreme poverty and promoting shared prosperity. With 189 member countries and more than 120 offices worldwide, we work with public and private sector partners, investing in groundbreaking projects and using data, research, and technology to develop solutions to the most urgent global challenges. For more information, visit

The Planet Practice Group (PG) helps countries tackle their most complex challenges in the areas of Agriculture and Food, Climate Change, Environment, Natural Resources & Blue Economy, and Water.

The Water Global Practice

Water resources are under unprecedented and increasing pressures, driven by greater climate variability, population and economic growth, land use changes, and declining quantities and qualities of both ground and surface waters.  With cross cutting impacts on agriculture, education, energy, health, gender, and livelihoods, water is an essential resource for all life on the planet and is at the center of economic and social development.  The world will not be able to meet the great development challenges of the 21st century – human development, livable cities, climate change, food security, energy security, and universal access to services – unless we ensure a water-secure world for all. 

The Water Global Practice (GP) is in a unique position to help governments take an integrated and strategic approach to securing water for all through partnerships (e.g. Global Water Security and Sanitation Program, 2030 Water Resources Group), finance, and knowledge.  The Water GP places water resource management (hydrology, economics, storage, groundwater use, rivers and deltas, disaster management), service delivery (to households, businesses, and farmers), and an understanding of water in the context of the broader economy at the center of its efforts to help countries address these challenges.  

For more information:

Water in Europe and Central Asia (ECA)

SCAWA is the unit covering the Europe and Central Asia region. The unit brings together about 30 staff (half of which are in Washington DC), covering an existing project portfolio of 40+ projects and overall commitments of 3.3 billion USD. These projects cover a wide range of water-related topics including water supply and sanitation services, irrigation and drainage services, flood and drought management, water resources management, and water security and climate adaptation.  The unit also manages two important regional programs, the Central Asia Energy and Water Development Program (CAWEP) and the Danube Water Program (DWP).  Over the last years, the demand from clients in ECA has been shifting from traditional infrastructure lending to a broader set of concepts around water security and water management, institutional development and reform, and a wider range of instruments, including technical assistance and reimbursable advisory services.

Duties and Responsibilities

The selected candidate will report to the Practice Manager and will work out of the World Bank office in Tirana, Albania, closely with staff from the unit and beyond.  Specific duties will include:

• Provides overall support to the unit’s Western Balkans water portfolio (with emphasis on Albania) and coordinates with internal Bank stakeholders on water project activities (e.g. country management units, sustainable development practice group leadership, water global practice)
• Lead and co-lead the Bank’s water policy dialogue with the authorities in the region and others on strategic water issues and implementation of ongoing water sector reforms
• Lead and co-lead assigned operational project responsibilities, including supervision of operations (missions to the field, preparation of operation documents) and preparation of newly identified lending opportunities
• Support and contribute to various analytical and advisory work and knowledge generation activities on water (as well as with other relevant SD GPs e.g. environment, agriculture, urban).
• Support the communication amongst the various Bank teams and relevant government stakeholders (both at the national and regional levels) and encourage effective collaboration of all team members 
• Play an active role in the Bank’s policy dialogue with development partners on strategic water issues
• Actively contribute to the dissemination of the unit’s water activities, within the WBG and in external events
• Provide inputs to operational products/outputs for sector and country briefings, analytical and advisory reports and studies, and portfolio performance and monitoring reviews
• Organize and participate in meetings with key stakeholders
• Other tasks related to the implementation of the Western Balkans water program as agreed with the project teams and beyond, as agreed with the Practice Manager

Selection Criteria

Minimum Education Requirements

Masters degree (or higher) in water or environmental engineering, economics, water resources management, irrigation or other fields relevant for water sector development.  


• Minimum 15 years of relevant professional experience

• Demonstrates advanced understanding of issues around broad range of water sector topics including, related to water supply and sanitation, irrigation and drainage modernization, and water resources planning, management, and development, and relevant experience applying this knowledge to operations, analytical work, and other deliverables

• Demonstrated ability to translate research and analytics into operations and practical guidance in the field and with client counterparts

• Demonstrated effective communication (both written and oral) and excellent organization and coordination skills as well as timely and good report writing abilities

• Demonstrated track record of operational support to government institutions in responding to broad water security and/or WSS and irrigated agriculture agendas

• Demonstrated track record in advocating for the water agenda

• Involvement in stakeholder engagement and public consultations processes

• Demonstrated teamwork and World Bank operational experience

• Demonstrated track record of forging positive relationships with organizations and individuals which can better inform the water strategies and result in higher quality implementation and impact of Bank supported programs

• Ability to work independently and take initiative and adjust to changing work program requirements (as needed)

• Excellent knowledge of English in both spoken and written form, is a must.


• Lead and Innovate – Develops innovative solutions.

• Deliver Results for Clients – Proactively addresses clients stated and unstated needs.

• Collaborate Within Teams and Across Boundaries – Collaborates across boundaries, gives own perspective and willingly receives diverse perspectives.

• Create, Apply and Share Knowledge – Applies knowledge across WBG to strengthen solutions for internal and/or external clients.

• Make Smart Decisions – Interprets a wide range of information and pushes to move forward.

If the selected candidate is a current World Bank Group staff member with a Regular or Open-Ended appointment, s/he will retain his/her Regular or Open-Ended appointment. All others will be offered a 2 years 0 months term appointment.

World Bank Group Core Competencies





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