Offer Description
Understanding the impacts of future climate on river flood risks and water resources is important to plan effective adaptation strategies to manage the expected changes in extreme event risks. Several studies have shown an increased pattern in precipitation intensities and the number of extreme events in a warmer climate. Therefore, flood risks can increase in urban areas in the future imposing high costs on aquatic and terrestrial ecosystems, human societies, and the economy. In this context, the project NRRP PE3 RETURN “multi-Risk sciEnce for resilienT commUnities undeR a changiNg climate”, in the framework of which is included the research grant, aims to assess the future flood risk for different case studies or “Proof Of Concepts – POC”- The Arno River basin and the Municipality of Florence are POC of the project, preliminarily already identified.
Where to apply
Additional Information
Eligibility criteria
Master’s Degree in Civil Engineering or equivalent
Master’s Degree in Environmental Engineering or equivalent
Master’s Degree in Building Systems Engineering or equivalent
Eligible destination country/ies for fellows:
- Italy
Eligibility of fellows: country/ies of residence:
Eligibility of fellows: nationality/ies:
Selection process
evaluation of academic titles and interview
Website for additional job details:…