RFP - Civil Work (Construction & Repair on WASH activities (33 ADW Schools) via DevNetJobsIndia

Bal Raksha Bharat

Perambalur, Tamil Nadu, India 🇮🇳


Location: Perambalur District, Tamil Nadu                                                                          Apply By: 10 September 2024  

Civil Work (Construction & Repair on WASH activities (33 ADW Schools)  

under 3561538 (SUN GROUP Project – Perambalur Dist, Tamil Nadu) 

About Bal Raksha Bharat 

Bal Raksha Bharat (Also known as Save the Children) is a global non-profit organization, founded in 1919 as a response to the condition in Europe immediately following the First World War, is a federation of 29 members with similar vision, mission, and values for children, working in more than 120 countries to form a truly international movement for children. In 2008, Bal Raksha Bharat (Save the Children) registered in Indian as ‘Bal Raksha Bharat’. Today Bal Raksha Bharat (Save the Children) is India’s leading independent child rights organization. Presently, we have presence across 16 states of India and have impacted the lives of more than 14 million children since 2008  

About Project:

Project Title:

Building bright futures: transforming schools into centers of quality learning in perambalur district 


To develop 33 Adi Dravidar Welfare Schools as a model of quality Learning Hub to facilitate a holistic development of the children 


Program aimed at improving water, sanitation and hygiene education at schools are essential to improve health and learning outcomes. A number of children and teachers, especially girls and female teachers are unable to attend schools because of poor sanitation facilities that do not offer adequate privacy and resources to cater to their menstrual needs and hygiene. It is also further understood that poor water and sanitation situation contributes to poor learning performance resulting from related water sanitation and hygiene diseases.  

Save the Children’s/Bal Rakhs Bharat experience of working on Water Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) in schools have identified a number of challenges that hinder the attainment of adequate access to improved sanitation and safe water at schools at required scale. Some of the challenges identified are: inadequate sanitation facilities, unspecified standards and guidelines for school WASH, low priority of WASH in schools resulting in limited funding. 

Considering the above factors, Bal Raksha Bharat had planned to improve WASH situation in schools by constructing/ renovating low cost latrine designs, hand wash platforms, drinking water platforms as well as contribute to the attainment of Swatch Bharat Mission on water and sanitation and address issues of gender equity and inclusion. The project location is at Perambalur district of Tamilnadu and covering 33 ADW Government Schools.  


Goal: To develop 33 Adi Dravidar Welfare Schools as a model of quality Learning Hub to facilitate a holistic development of the children  

Objective of the Project

To develop 33 ADW schools as model schools with enhanced all-round development opportunity for children by establishing smart classrooms and STEM labs  

Specific objectives:

  • To establish learner friendly school infrastructure for children in 33 ADW schools of Perambalur District, 50% of which are girls
  • To build the capacity of teachers on subject specific and child centric pedagogy through effective usage of ICT
  • To strengthen the existing school support structures (i.e. SMCs, BRCs/CRCs, /DIETs) and demonstrate learnings from the project for wider replication
  • To improve physical and learning environment in schools and home

Purpose of assignment 

Renovation/WASH infrastructure development/Hand wash Facilities in 33 ADW based on the Bill of Quantity (BOQ) 

The project aims to maintain, restore, and upgrade the physical infrastructure related to Water, Sanitation, and Hygiene (WASH) in 33 selected ADW schools. The primary objective is to address the WASH needs of these schools, whether through minor repairs, renovation works, or the full establishment of necessary facilities. The goal is to create child-friendly environments that prioritize the safety and well-being of children aged 6-17 years. 

The work at the ADW schools has to be neat and the vendor should cooperate based on feedback from Bal Raksha Bharat.  

Total Center33 ADW SCHOOLS   

Key Tender Information 

S No.Particulars / DescriptionProduct Relevant Details
1WASH Activity required by Bal Raksha BharatCivil Work (Construction & Repair on WASH activities (33 ADW Schools) under 3561538 (SUN Group – Perambalur Dist, Tamilnadu)
2Total No. of Schools33 ADW Schools – Perambalur District, Tamil Nadu List attached
3Timeline / Duration for supply/delivery of the itemsThe target schools to be completed by 90 days.The work should commence within 2 days from issue of order/contract.
4Cost / RateAgreed to submit school-wise cost for the work
5Last Date for submission of Bid:10 September 2024
6Address for the submission of sealed bidsBid Submission Address: The Procurement Department Bal Raksha Bharat,Project Office, 5th Floor, Labelle Suites,3rd Main, HBR Layout,4th Block, Bangalore – 560043, Karnataka
7Mode of bidSealed Bid to be submitted in a sealed envelope, super-scribing / Subject – Bal Raksha Bharat – “Quotation for Civil Work (Construction & Repair on WASH activities (33 ADW Schools) under 3561538 (SUN Group – Perambalur Dist, Tamilnadu)”
8Pre – Bid MeetingPre bid meeting will be held on:2nd & 3rd September – Bangalore – 10 AM – 4 PM4th & 5th September – Perambalur – 10 AM – 4 PM (Contact number given below to know the venue to meet for pre bid) Venue: Bangalore:Vinod Pote +91 86604 11090Ranjit S: +91 99015 19091Perambalur:Sheik Fazal +91 99127 35786Ranjit S: +91 99015 19091Andrew Manoj Kumar +91 98948 10128
9Bidding ProcessAs per Bal Raksha Bharat Procurement policy the selection process would be initiated and based on the eligibility criteria of Civil Work (Construction & Repair on WASH activities (33 ADW Schools), the contractor / vendor will be selected.
10Bid Document submission modeThrough person / courier / post only.Bids sent through email /other than postal /courier and any such will not be accepted
11Time ScaleRFQ / Invitation, any clarification: -2nd & 3rd September – Bangalore – 10 AM – 4 PM4th & 5th September – Perambalur – 10 AM – 4 PM(Except SAT/ SUN / NATIONAL HOLIDAY)  Last date for Bid Submission – 10 September 2024 4 PM SHARP  
12Total no. pages of Bid document9

While submitting the bid document, bidder to submit the entire document duly signed along with company seal of bidder. It would not be considered, If signature & stamp is found missing

Please note the following:

  1. Bal Raksha Bharat reserves the rights to alter the terms, cancel the tender and conditions of this Bid document. 
  2. Considering the time and logistic priorities, all vendors willing to undertake the work in said Perambalur district, within 2 days from the date of Purchase / Contract Order (PO) are eligible to participate.
  3. Order would be placed to the individual category based on the selection criteria 
  4. Bal Raksha Bharat reserves the right to accept / reject any of the document(s) without assigning any reason whatsoever and shall be final and binding: 

Issued by:

Procurement Department

Bal Raksha Bharat

Registered Office, D-61,

East of Kailash, New Delhi – 110065

 For detailed information, please check the complete version of the RFP attached below.

Download Attachment: FINAL_30 AUG_ Tender Document_DEVNET_SUN.doc




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