Invitation to tender:
Consultant to support the development of WRI’s communication and advocacy capacity.
SIWI is pleased to invite individual consultants to take part in a tender procedure for the above-mentioned contract.
The deadline for receipt of tenders is: 30th April 2024
Point of contact: James Leten, Senior Programme Manager
E-mail Adress:
Stockholm International Water Institute
SIWI is a knowledge organisation using its expertise and convening power to strengthen water governance for a just, prosperous, and sustainable future. SIWI arranges the annual World Water Week in Stockholm.
SIWI is duly constituted as a foundation in Sweden.
Name: Stockholm International Water Institute
Organisation number: 802425-8702
VAT identification number: SE802425870201
Postal address: Kabyssgatan 4D, SE-120 30 Stockholm, Sweden
Visiting address: Hammarbybacken 31, 120 30 Stockholm, Sweden
SIWI intends to enter a contract for a consultant to support the Water Resources Institute as part of the GO-WATER programme in Uganda.
GO-WATER Programme
The goal of the GO-WATER programme is to positively impact governance of specific water-related issues or risks by strengthening institutional capacities, to assist institutions transitioning from water crisis management to managing water risk and opportunity. The programme is implemented in collaboration with local and global partners (Cap-Net) and funded by the Swedish Development Cooperation
The national anchor and focal point of the GO-WATER Programme in Uganda is the Ministryof Water and Environment (MWE), represented by the Water Resources Planning and Regulation Department and the Water Resources Institute (WRI).
In March 2022, a series of consultations with senior members of the water and environment sector took place to discuss critical constraints within the sector and identify areas for the GO-WATER programme to support. Based on these consultations, the following objectives for GO-WATER Uganda were agreed:
- Improve effectiveness of coordination, collaboration, and partnership in the water & environment sector
- Improve capacity and skills to enhance skills development within the ministry
- Contribute to catalyzing financing at all levels
In October 2022, a workshop took place in Kampala and identified activities that would contribute to these objectives. The following activities have been identified and implemented by till June 2023:
- Direct support to the Water Resources Institute: Review and assess the communication and advocacy capacity of the Water Resources Institute. Based on the outcomes of this assessment, design and implement capacity development activities for WRI staff (These could include classroom-based training, mentorship, on-the-job training, or another methodology deemed appropriate). And support WRI staff develop and provide a communication training course to in-service professionals in the MWE.
- Regional Level Support: Conduct dialogue workshops and trainings on CbIWRM, coordination and communication in two regions (WMZ) for CbIWRM stakeholders. The training will be done using a combination of in-person workshops and an online platform, and topics could include coordination, land management practices, planning & reporting, the institutional structure for CbIWRM, the role of CbIWRM within the NRECCLWMP, etc.
- National Level Dialogue: Conduct national level dialogue workshop for key decision makers of the NRECCLWMP – this will be timed to coincide with the UWEWK.
The activities of Phase I ended in June 2023; and in March 2024, Sida allowed SIWI to use additional programme funds to bridge phase I to an eventual Phase II of the programme.
The present ToR will contribute to the first output of the programme activities in Uganda: “Enhanced MWE and WRI Communication skills”.
During phase 1, a communication expert reviewed the processes, programs and achievements of the Water Resources Institute and to design a communication message for dissemination to the different targeted groups (such as experts, informed non-experts, the general public etc.
Two 2-days short training courses on communication and advocacy were facilitated, targeting in-service professionals from Ministry of Water and Environment both at central and regional level and other stakeholders. This resulted in enhanced communication skill and in a developed MWE/WRI communication plan.
Activities and tasks
The MWE/WRI-SIWI partnership wants to carry on the strengthening of the MWE and WRI communication skills, building on what was achieved during Phase 1. As such the following activities will be implemented for which a consultant will be requested:
Activity |
The MWE communication plan developed under phase 1 is complemented with KPI and self-performance assessment.The communication plan is improved with editorial calendars and activities that build relationship with national and international editors and media houses.Development of specific communication activities targeting the youthMedia education and incentives about the sector |
Continue the communication trainings, filling the gaps for the implementation of the communication plan. Training on storytelling and knowledge product publishing.Development and production of knowledge products: technical briefs, learning products, advocacy briefs, documentaries on the activities/events of the MWE/WRI Enhance documentation system at WRI |
Mentoring implementation of communication plan |
The task of the consultant is to:
- Strategize and prepare a continuation 1-day workshop to finalise the MWE/WRI communication plans and implementation of self-assessment methodology.
The finalisation includes integration of editorial calendars and activities that build relationship with national and international editors and media houses, and developed of communication activities targeting specifically the youth.
The implementation self-assessment methodology including the development of KPI. - Hold the above one-day workshop,
- Continue the phase-1 communication training.
- Prepare and hold a one-day communication training on storytelling and knowledge product publishing.
- Prepare and hold a ½-day workshop on creation of documentaries on the activities/events of the MWE/WRI
- Prepare and hold a ½-day workshop, reflecting and planning on enhancement of WRI’s documentation system.
- Deliver 6 days of communication mentoring.
- Monitoring and Evaluation of trainees’ progress on implementing the communication plan and on communication skills.
- Reporting back to SIWI
- Updated communication plan for MWE/WRI with appropriate KPIs. The plan includes a short self -assessment methodology.
- Report on communication training, including the mentoring activities.
- Final report, including lessons learned.
Specific requirements for the consultant
Experience required.
- Demonstrate prior experience in assessing communication & advocacy capacity within a team/department/organization setting.
- Demonstrate prior experience in designing and executing capacity development initiatives such as in-person training, mentorship, etc.
- Have relevant experience in working with government and/or international organizations on consultancy assignments.
- Demonstrated experience supporting capacity building and/or training.
Skills/Technical skills and knowledge
- Have a good understanding of challenges regarding communication and advocacy within the public sector in Uganda.
- Have excellent proven written and spoken English and strong oral and written communication skills.
- Clear and concise writing skills with demonstrated ability to analyse systems and distil key concepts.
- Excellent organizational, team and inter-personal skills in view of interacting with multiple stakeholders at country level.
For the above tasks a total number of day’s sums up to a total of 20 days.
The tasks are to be executed and reported before June 30th, 2024.
The consultant should submit:
- Name and contact information.
- A summary the experience of the consultant related to the services procured.
- A full CV containing relevant references and including details of at least 3 reports and/or trainings on related matters.
- Daily rate of the individual per day of work and estimated budget for expenses.
- Any other appendices the consultant sees as relevant to the application.
Processing of personal data
SIWI will process personal data included in tender documents and communications. For information about SIWI’s processing of personal data, please use the following link: Processing of personal data
This invitation to tender is in no way binding on SIWI. SIWIs contractual obligation will commence only upon signature of a written contract by the authorized signatories of SIWI and the successful tenderer.
SIWI reserves the right to accept any tender without prior negotiations. SIWI reserves the right to reject any tender and to cancel the process and reject all tenders at any time prior to the signing of the contract, without thereby incurring any liability to the affected tenderer(s).
SIWI will not be responsible for, or pay for, expenses or losses that may be incurred by a candidate or tenderer in the preparation of its tender and/or in connection with the procurement process.
Annex 1: Exclusion grounds
1. Criminal activities
A tenderer will be excluded from participation in a procurement procedure where SIWI is aware that the tenderer has been the subject of conviction by final judgement for any of the following reasons:
- Participation in a criminal organization.
- Corruption.
- Fraud.
- Terrorist offences or offences linked to terrorist activities.
- Money laundering or terrorist financing, or
- Human trafficking.
A tenderer will be excluded if a person who has been subject to such conviction is a member of the administrative, management or supervisory body of that tenderer or has powers of representation, decision, or control therein.
Evidence: By signing the tender, the tenderer confirms that it is not in any of the situations above.
2. Other irregularities
A tenderer will be excluded from participation in a procurement procedure where SIWI is aware that the tenderer is in any of the following situations:
- where it has been established by a final judicial or administrative decision that the tenderer is in breach of its obligations relating to the declaration or payment of taxes or employer contributions.
- where it can be demonstrated by appropriate means that the tenderer is guilty of a violation of applicable obligations in the fields of employment, environmental, labour, or social law.
- where the tenderer is bankrupt or is the subject of insolvency or winding-up proceedings, where its assets are being administered by a liquidator or by the court, where it is in an arrangement with creditors, where its business activities are suspended, or it is any analogous situation arising from a similar procedure under national laws and regulations.
- where it can be demonstrated by appropriate means that the tenderer is guilty of grave professional misconduct.
- where a conflict of interest cannot be effectively remedied by other less intrusive measures.
- where the tenderer has been guilty of serious misrepresentation in supplying the information required as a condition of participation in the procurement procedure or has withheld such information.
- where the tenderer has undertaken to unduly influence the decision-making process, to obtain confidential information that may confer upon it undue advantages in the procurement procedure or to negligently or wilfully provide misleading information that may have a material influence on decisions concerning exclusion, selection or the award of contract.
- where the tenderer is included on a procurement debarment list such as that of the World Bank, the European Development Bank for Reconstruction and Development, the African Development Bank Group, the Asian Development Bank, or the Inter-American Development Bank.
Evidence: By signing the Tender, the tenderer confirms that it is not in any of the situations above.